Usage for propiconazole (Princeton) 33840


Stage of Development: Blossom
Insect or DiseaseRecommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
Brown Rot (Monilinia fructicola) propiconazole (Princeton) 338403300 ml121 ml4 hr to 3 days3 daysLimit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management.

Stage of Development: Blossom

Brown Rot

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.


Stage of Development: Petal Fall to Husk Fall
Insect or DiseaseRecommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
Brown Rot (Monilinia fructicola) propiconazole (Princeton) 338403300 ml121 ml4 hr to 3 days3 daysLimit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management.

Stage of Development: Petal Fall to Husk Fall

Brown Rot

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.



Stage of Development: Blossom
Insect or DiseaseRecommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
Brown Rot (Monilinia fructicola) propiconazole (Princeton) 338403300 ml121 ml4 hr to 3 days3 daysLimit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management.

Stage of Development: Blossom

Brown Rot

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.


Stage of Development: Petal Fall
Insect or DiseaseRecommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
Brown Rot (Monilinia fructicola) propiconazole (Princeton) 338403300 ml121 ml4 hr to 3 days3 daysLimit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management.

Stage of Development: Petal Fall

Brown Rot

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.



Stage of Development: Blossom
Insect or DiseaseRecommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
Brown Rot (Monilinia fructicola) propiconazole (Princeton) 338403300 ml121 ml4 hr to 3 days3 daysLimit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management.

Stage of Development: Blossom

Brown Rot

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.


Stage of Development: Petal Fall
Insect or DiseaseRecommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
Brown Rot (Monilinia fructicola) propiconazole (Princeton) 338403300 ml121 ml4 hr to 3 days3 daysLimit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management.

Stage of Development: Petal Fall

Brown Rot

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.



Stage of Development: Blossom
Insect or DiseaseRecommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
Brown Rot (Monilinia fructicola) propiconazole (Princeton) 338403300 ml121 ml4 hr to 3 days3 daysLimit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management.

Stage of Development: Blossom

Brown Rot

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.


Stage of Development: Petal Fall
Insect or DiseaseRecommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
Brown Rot (Monilinia fructicola) propiconazole (Princeton) 338403300 ml121 ml4 hr to 3 days3 daysLimit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management.

Stage of Development: Petal Fall

Brown Rot

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.