Usage for cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 30895


Stage of Development: Petal fall or Calyx
Insect or DiseaseRecommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
Eyespotted Bud Moth cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500-1000 mL202-404 mL12 h3Apply when larvae are active. Do not apply more than 4 times/ season. Do not tank mix with Sovran, Flint, Pristine, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees.
cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500-1000 mL202-404 mL12 h3Apply when larvae are active. Do not apply more than 4 times per season. Do not tank mix with Flint, Sovran, Pristine, copper or captan. Toxic to bees. Spray interval: 10 to 14 days.
Fruittree and European Leafrollers cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500 - 1000 mL202 - 404 mL 12 h3Apply when larvae are active. Do not apply more than 4 times/season. Do not tank mix with Flint, Sovran, Pristine, captan or copper fungicides. TOXIC to bees.
Obliquebanded and Threelined Leafrollers cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500-1000 mL202-404 mL12 h3Apply when larvae are active. Do not apply more than 4 times/ season. Do not tank mix with Sovran, Flint, Pristine, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees. Spray interval: 10 to 14 days.
cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500-1000 mL202-404 mL12 hApply when larvae are active. Do not apply more than 4 times/season. Do not tank mix with Flint, Sovran Pristine, copper or captan fungicides. TOXIC to bees. Spray interval: 10 to 14 days.

Stage of Development: Petal fall or Calyx

Eyespotted Bud Moth

Fruittree and European Leafrollers

Obliquebanded and Threelined Leafrollers

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.


Stage of Development: Summer
Insect or DiseaseRecommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
Apple Aphid cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528750-1500 mL304-607 mL12 h3Do not apply more than 4 times/season. Do not tank mix with Flint, Pristine, Sovran, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees.Spray interval: 10 to 14 days.
Codling Moth cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500-750 mL202-304 mL12 h3Apply before egg hatch for first generation and at first egg hatch of second generation codling moth based on pheromone trap catches and degree days after biofix. Also controls leafroller. Do not tank mix with Flint, Sovran, Pristine, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees. Spray interval: 10 to 14 days.
Eyespotted Bud Moth cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500-1000 mL202-404 mL12 h3Do not apply more than 4 times per season. Do not tank mix with Sovran, Flint, Pristine, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees. Spray interval:10 to 14 days.
Obliquebanded and Threelined Leafrollers cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500-1000 mL202-404 mL12 h3Monitor adult moth flight and apply at first egg hatch. Do not tank mix with Sovran, Flint, Pristine, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees.Spray interval: 10 to 14 days.

Stage of Development: Summer

Apple Aphid

Codling Moth

Eyespotted Bud Moth

Obliquebanded and Threelined Leafrollers

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.



Stage of Development: Petal Fall to Husk Fall
Insect or DiseaseRecommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
Eyespotted Bud Moth cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500-1000 mL202-404 mL12 h3Apply when larvae are active. Do not apply more than 4 times/season. Do not tank mix with Flint, Pristine, Cabrio, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees.Spray interval: 7 to 10 days.
Fruittree and European Leafrollers cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500 - 1000 mL202 - 404 mL 12 h3Apply when larvae are active. Do not apply more than 4 times/season. Do not tank mix with Cabrio, Pristine, Flint, copper or captan fungicides. TOXIC to bees. Spray interval: 7 to 10 days.
Obliquebanded and Threelined Leafrollers cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500-1000 mL202-404 mL12 h3Apply when larvae are active. Do not apply more than 4 times/season. Do not tank mix with Flint, Pristine, Cabrio, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees. Spray interval: 7 to 10 days.

Stage of Development: Petal Fall to Husk Fall

Eyespotted Bud Moth

Fruittree and European Leafrollers

Obliquebanded and Threelined Leafrollers

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.


Stage of Development: Summer
Insect or DiseaseRecommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
Cherry Fruit Flies (Western, Black) cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528750-1500 mL304-607 mL12 h3Do not apply more than 4 times/season. Do not tank mix with Flint, Pristine, Cabrio, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees.Spray interval: 7 days.
Obliquebanded and Threelined Leafrollers cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500-1000 mL202-404 mL12 h3Monitor adult moth flight and apply at first egg hatch. Do not tank mix with Flint, Pristine, Cabrio, copper and captan fungicides. Toxic to bees. Spray interval: 7 to 10 days.
Spotted Wing Drosophila cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 30895281000-1500 mL405-607 mL12 h3Begin application when fruit begin to turn color (straw to pink). Re-apply at 7 day intervals. Do not apply more than 4 times/season. Will control adult flies, NOT larvae inside fruit. Do not tank mix with Flint, Pristine, Cabrio, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees. Check MRL requirements for fruit exports. Spray interval: 7 to 10 days.

Stage of Development: Summer

Cherry Fruit Flies

Obliquebanded and Threelined Leafrollers

Spotted Wing Drosophila

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.



Stage of Development: Pink
Insect or DiseaseRecommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
Eyespotted Bud Moth cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500- 1000 mL202- 404 mL12 h3Apply when larvae are active. Do not apply more than 4 times per season. Do not tank mix with Flint, Sovran, Pristine, copper or captan. Toxic to bees. Spray interval: 10 to 14 days.
cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500- 1000 mL202- 404 mL12 h3Apply when larvae are active. Do not apply more than 4 times per season. Do not tank mix with Sovran, Flint, Pristine, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees. Spray interval: 10 to 14 days.
Fruittree and European Leafrollers cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500 - 1000 mL202 - 404 mL 12 h3Apply when larvae are active. Do not apply more than 4 ti,es/season. Do not tank mix with Sovran, Flint, Pristine, copper or captan fungicides. TOXIC to bees. Spray interval: 10 to 14 days.
Obliquebanded and Threelined Leafrollers cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500- 1000 mL202- 404 mL12 h3Apply when larvae are active. Do not apply more than 4 times/ season. Do not tank mix with Sovran, Flint, Pristine, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees. Spray interval: 10 to 14 days.

Stage of Development: Pink

Eyespotted Bud Moth

Fruittree and European Leafrollers

Obliquebanded and Threelined Leafrollers

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.


Stage of Development: Summer
Insect or DiseaseRecommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
Codling Moth cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500- 750 mL202- 304 mL12 h3Apply before egg hatch for first generation and at first egg hatch for second generation codling moth based on pheromone trap catches and degree days after biofix. Also controls leafroller. Do not tank mix with Sovran, Flint, Pristine, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees. Spray interval: 10 to 14 days.
Eyespotted Bud Moth cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500- 1000 mL202- 404 mL12 h3Do not apply more than 4 times per season. Do not tank mix with Sovran, Flint, Pristine, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees. Spray interval: 10 to 14 days.
Obliquebanded and Threelined Leafrollers cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500- 1000 mL202- 404 mL12 h3Monitor adult moth flight and apply at first egg hatch. Do not tank mix with Sovran, Flint, Pristine, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees. Spray interval: 10 to 14 days.
Rosy Apple Aphid cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528750- 1500 mL304- 607 mL12 h3Do not apply more than 4 times/season. Do not tank mix with Sovran, Flint, Pristine, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees.Spray interval: 10 to 14 days.

Stage of Development: Summer

Codling Moth

Eyespotted Bud Moth

Obliquebanded and Threelined Leafrollers

Rosy Apple Aphid

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.



Stage of Development: Petal Fall
Insect or DiseaseRecommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
Eyespotted Bud Moth cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500-1000 mL202-404 mL12 h3Apply when larvae are active. Do not apply more than 4 times/season. Do not tank mix with Flint, Pristine, Cabrio, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees.Spray interval: 7 to 10 days.
Fruittree and European Leafrollers cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500 - 1000 mL202 - 404 mL 12 h3Apply when larvae are active. Do not apply more than 4 times/season. Do not tank mix with Flint, Cabrio, Pristine, captan or copper fungicides. TOXIC to bees. Spray interval: 7 to 10 days.
Obliquebanded and Threelined Leafrollers cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500-1000 mL202-404 mL12 h3Apply when larvae are active. Do not apply more than 4 times/season. Do not tank mix with Flint, Pristine, Cabrio, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees. Spray interval: 7 to 10 days.
Peach Twig Borer cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528750-1000 mL304-404 mL12 h3Use pheromone traps to monitor adults and apply with 7 days of first trap catch of adult male moths. Do not apply more than 4times/season. Do not tank mix with Flint, Pristine, Cabrio, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees. Spray interval: 7 to 10 days.

Stage of Development: Petal Fall

Eyespotted Bud Moth

Fruittree and European Leafrollers

Obliquebanded and Threelined Leafrollers

Peach Twig Borer

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.


Stage of Development: Husk Fall
Insect or DiseaseRecommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
Green Peach Aphid and Black Peach Aphid cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528750-1500 mL304-607 mL12 h3Do not apply more than 4 times/season. Do not tank mix with Flint, Pristine, Cabrio, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees. Spray interval: 7 to 10 days.

Stage of Development: Husk Fall

Green Peach Aphid and Black Peach Aphid

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.


Stage of Development: Summer
Insect or DiseaseRecommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
Eyespotted Bud Moth cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500-1000 mL202-404 mL12 h3Do not apply more than 4 times/season. Do not tank mix with Flint, Pristine, Cabrio, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees.
Green Peach Aphid and Black Peach Aphid cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528750-1500 mL304-607 mL12 h3Do not apply more than 4 times/season. Do not tank mix with Flint, Pristine, Cabrio, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees. Spray interval: 7 to 10 days.
Obliquebanded and Threelined Leafrollers cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500-1000 mL202-404 mL12 h3Monitor adult moth flight and apply at first egg hatch. Do not tank mix with Flint, Pristine, Cabrio, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees. Spray interval: 7 to 10 days.
Peach Twig Borer cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528750-1000 mL304-404 mL12 h3Use pheromone traps to monitor adults and apply within 7 days of first trap catch. Do not apply more than 4 times/season. Do not tank mix with Flint, Pristine, Cabrio, copper or captan. Toxic to bees. Spray interval: 7 to 10 days.
Spotted Wing Drosophila cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 30895281000-1500 mL404-607 mL12 h3Begin application when fruit begin to ripen. Re-apply at 7 day intervals. Do not apply more than 4 times/season. Will control only adult flies, NOT larvae inside fruit. Do not tank mix with Flint, Pristine, Cabrio, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees. Spray interval: 7 to 10 days.

Stage of Development: Summer

Eyespotted Bud Moth

Green Peach Aphid and Black Peach Aphid

Obliquebanded and Threelined Leafrollers

Peach Twig Borer

Spotted Wing Drosophila

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.



Stage of Development: Petal Fall
Insect or DiseaseRecommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
Eyespotted Bud Moth cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500-1000 mL202-404 mL12 h3Apply when larvae are active. Do not apply more than 4 times/season. Do not tank mix with Flint, Sovran, Pristine, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees. Spray interval: 7 to 10 days.
Fruittree and European Leafrollers cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500 - 1000 mL202 - 404 mL 12 h3Apply when larvae are active. Do not apply more than 4 times/season. Do not tank mix with Flint, Pristine, Cabrio, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees.Spray interval: 7 to 10 days.
Obliquebanded and Threelined Leafrollers cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500-1000 mL202-404 mL12 h3Apply when larvae are active. Do not apply more than 4 times/season. Do not tank mix with Flint, Sovran, Pristine, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees. Spray interval: 7 to 10 days.

Stage of Development: Petal Fall

Eyespotted Bud Moth

Fruittree and European Leafrollers

Obliquebanded and Threelined Leafrollers

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.


Stage of Development: Summer
Insect or DiseaseRecommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
Eyespotted Bud Moth cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500-1000 mL202-404 mL12 h3Do not apply more than 4 times/season. Do not tank mix with Flint, Pristine, Sovran, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees.Spray interval: 7 to 10 days.
Green Peach Aphid and Black Peach Aphid cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528750-1500 mL304-607 mL12 h3Do not apply more than 4 times/season. Do not tank mix with Flint, Sovran, Pristine, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees. Spray interval: 7 to 10 days.
Obliquebanded and Threelined Leafrollers cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500-1000 mL202-404 mL12 h3Monitor adult moth flight and apply at first egg hatch. Do not tank mix with Flint, Pristine, Sovran, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees. Spray interval: 7 to 10 days.
Spotted Wing Drosophila cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 30895281000-1500 mL404-607 mL12 h3Begin applications when fruit begin to ripen. Re-apply at 7 day intervals. Do not apply more than 4 times/season. Will control only adult flies, NOT larvae inside fruit. Do not tank mix with Flint, Pristine, Sovran, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees. Spray interval: 7 to 10 days.

Stage of Development: Summer

Eyespotted Bud Moth

Green Peach Aphid and Black Peach Aphid

Obliquebanded and Threelined Leafrollers

Spotted Wing Drosophila

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.



Stage of Development: Petal Fall
Insect or DiseaseRecommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
Fruittree and European Leafrollers cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500 - 1000 mL202 - 404 mL 12 h3Apply when larvae are active. Do not apply more than 4 times/season. Do not tank mix with Flint, Pristine, Cabrio, captan or copper fungicides. TOXIC to bee. Spray interval: 7 to 10 days.
Obliquebanded and Threelined Leafrollers cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500-1000 mL202-404 mL12 h3Apply when larvae are active. Do not apply more than 4 times/season. Do not tank mix with Flint, Pristine, Cabrio, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees. Spray interval: 7 to 10 days.
Peach Twig Borer cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528750- 1000 mL304- 404 mL12 h3Monitor moths with pheromone traps and apply within 7 days of first trap catch of adult male moths. Do not apply more than 4 times/season. Do not tank mix with Flint, Pristine, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees. Spray interval: 7 to 10 days.

Stage of Development: Petal Fall

Fruittree and European Leafrollers

Obliquebanded and Threelined Leafrollers

Peach Twig Borer

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.


Stage of Development: Summer
Insect or DiseaseRecommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
Green Peach Aphid and Black Peach Aphid cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528750-1500 mL304-607 mL12 h3Do not apply more than 4 times/season. Do not tank mix with Flint, Pristine, Cabrio, copper and captan fungicides. Toxic to bees. Spray interval: 7 to 10 days.
Obliquebanded and Threelined Leafrollers cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528500- 1000 mL202- 404 mL12 h3Monitor adult moth flight and apply at first egg hatch. Repeat application 10 days later if required. Do not tank mix with Flint, Pristine, Cabrio, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees. Spray interval: 7 to 10 days.
Peach Twig Borer cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 3089528750- 1000 mL304- 404 mL12 h3Monitor adult moths with pheromone traps and apply within 7 days of first trap catch of adult male moths. Do not apply more than 4 times/season. Do not tank mix with Flint, Pristine, Cabrio, copper or captan. Toxic to bees. Spray interval: 7 to 10 days.
Spotted Wing Drosophila cyantraniliprole (Exirel) 30895281000- 1500 mL404- 607 mL12 h3Begin application when fruit begin to ripen. Re-apply at 7 day intervals. Do not apply more than 4 times/season. Will control only adult flies, NOT larvae inside fruit. Do not tank mix with Flint, Pristine, Cabrio, copper or captan fungicides. Toxic to bees. Spray interval: 7 to 10 days.

Stage of Development: Summer

Green Peach Aphid and Black Peach Aphid

Obliquebanded and Threelined Leafrollers

Peach Twig Borer

Spotted Wing Drosophila

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.