Pesticides for Powdery Mildew (Apples)

Stage of Development: 15 mm Green to Tight Cluster
Recommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
mineral oil (Purespray Green) 27666NC10 L4 L12 h0For suppression of powdery mildew, apply in a minimum of 1000 L water/ha at tight cluster and repeat at 10-14 day intervals. Do not use in combination with or within 14 days of sulphur, Kumulus, Microthiol or captan. Do not apply during freezing temperatures.
thiophanate-methyl (Senator 50SC) 3209613.15 L1.27 L24 h*1May harm predatory mites. Maximum 2 applications per season.
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 3033171.0-1.5 L405-607 mL28Do not apply more than 3 times per season, or more than twice sequentially. Use high rate for high disease pressure.
trifloxystrobin (Flint) 3061911140 - 210 g57 - 85 g12 h–4 days14Use the higher rate during pink to bloom stages. Limit sprays of group 11 fungicides (Flint, Sovran, Pristine) to 2 per season. 4 days REI for thinning.
kresoxim-methyl (Sovran) 2625711240 - 450 g100 - 182 g48 h30Use high rate for high disease pressure. Limit sprays of group 11 fungicides to 2 per season. Caution: drift may injure cherries.
myclobutanil (Nova 40WP) 223993340 g140 g12 h-12 days 14Limit use of Group 3 fungicides (nova, Inspire) to 2 sprays per season. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. 12 days REI for thinning.
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 279857 + 111.0 - 1.2 kg405 - 485 gdry to 12 days5Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications. Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides (Flint, Sovran, Pristine) to 2 per season. 12 days REI for thinning.
flutriafol (Fullback) 316793585 - 877 mL237 - 355 mL12 h14Limit use of group 2 fungicides (Nova, Inspire, Fullback) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from other groups.
difenoconazole + cyprodinil (Inspire Super) 308273 + 9836 mL338 mL12 h14Suppression of powdery mildew. Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Nova, Inspire, Fullback) to 2 sprays/season.
fluopyram pyrimethanil (Luna Tranquility) 305107 + 9600 mL242 mL12 h14Use as preventative treatment. Do not apply more than 2 times/season.
benzovindiflupyr (Aprovia) 319817500 mL202 mL12 h30Rotate with other non-Group 7 products. Do not apply in two consecutive sprays nor more than 2 L/ha (1.0 L/acre) per season.
fluxapyroxad (Sercadis) 316977167-333 mL68-135 mL12 h0The use of a non-ionic surfactant (0.125%) is recommended. Begin treatment when conditions favour disease development. Apply a second spray 7-14 days up to blossom if conditions for disease development persist. Maximum amount per season: 1.33 L/ha (538 mL/acre). Maximum 4 applications per season.
benzovindiflupyr + difenoconazole (Aprovia Top) 315263 + 7643 mL260 mL12 h30Rotate with other fungicides that do not contain Group 3 or Group 7 fungicides for resistance management. Do not apply more than 2 consecutive applications.
Polyoxin D Zinc Salt (Diplomat 5SC) 3291819259 - 926 ml104 - 374 ml0 daysSuppression of powdery mildew. Begin as a preventative application when conditions favour disease development, 7 - 14 day spray interval. Number of applications: 3-10 depending on rate.
Mineral oil (Suffoil-X) 33099NC10 L/1000 L of water10 L/1000 L of water12 hours0Test for crop tolerance before widespread use. Apply at tight cluster and continue every 10-14 days. Avoid application during bloom. Do not use within 14 days before or after captan fungicide. Do not apply more than 8 applications per year.
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 339517 + 110.3 - 0.4 L0.12 - 0.16 L12 h - 12 days5 days (hand harvest)Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 5 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours.
sulphur (Cosavet DF Edge 31869, Kumulus 18836, Microthiol 29487M27.0 kg2.8 kg24 h1Do not apply sulphur in combination with, immediately before, or closely following oil sprays.
fenazaquin (Magister SC) 3454421 + 391.75 - 2.63 L0.7 - 1.1 L12 h - 17 days10 daysToxic to bees. Avoid application during bloom. Maximum number of applications: 1
pyraziflumid (Parade) 345267227-340 ml92-138 ml12 h7 daysDo not apply more than 2 consecutive applications of Parade or other group 7 fungicides before switching to a non-group 7 fungicide.
garlic powder (Buran) 30601NC9 L/500 to 800 L of water9 L/500 to 800 L of water0Disease control can be achieved under low to moderate disease pressure. Begin applications when conditions are conducive to disease development. The addition of a registered non-ionic surfactant such as Agral 90 or AgSurf at a rate of 0.1% could help to improve the spreading.
hydrogen peroxide + peroxyacetic acid (Oxidate 2.0) 32907NC1 L/100 L of water (1% solution)1 L/100 L of water (1% solution)4 h0Start foliar/branch/stem applications before the disease occurs or at the first sign of disease and/or when weather conditions are favourable for disease development. Apply diluted spray to the point of run-off to achieve full and even coverage.
impyrfluxam (Excalia Fungicide) 7146 - 219 ml/ha59 - 88.6 ml/ac12 hPetal fallGreen tip to petal fall only. Application must include a 100% organosilicone adjuvant, such as Xiameter, at 31.3 - 62.5 ml/100 L water.
Notes: Early spring applications of fungicide (beginning no later than tight cluster) are necessary to prevent secondary spread of powdery mildew in susceptible apple varieties.

Stage of Development: 15 mm Green to Tight Cluster

Powdery Mildew (Apples)

24 Product Choices

1 Notes

Applications and Notes »  Pest Info »

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.


Stage of Development: Pink
Recommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
calcium polysulphide (Lime sulphur 30%) 16465M29 L/1000 L9 L/1000 L48 hn/aLime sulphur may injure "sulphur shy" varieties. May cause injury during hot temperatures. May harm predatory mites.
trifloxystrobin (Flint) 3061911140 - 210 g57 - 85 g12 h – 4 days14Use the higher rate from pink to Bloom stages. Limit sprays of group 11 fungicides (Flint, Sovran, pristine) to 2 sprays/season. 4 days REI for thinning.
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 279857 + 111.0 - 1.2 kg405 g - 485 gdry to 12 days5Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications. Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides (Flint, Sovran, Pristine) to 2 per season. Caution: Sovran drift may injure cherries. 12 days REI for thinning.
Bacillus subtilis (Serenade Opti) 31666441.7-3.3 kg0.69-1.3 kg24 h*0Suppression only. Apply preventatively at 7- to 10-day intervals.
calcium polysulphide (Lime sulphur 30%) 16465M29 L/1000 L9 L/1000 L48 hn/aLime sulphur may injure "sulphur shy" varieties or may cause injury during hot temperatures. May harm predatory mites.
mineral oil (Purespray Green) 27666NC10 L4 L12 h0For suppression of powdery mildew, apply in a minimum of 1000 L water/ha at tight cluster and repeat at 10-14 day intervals. Do not use in combination with or within 14 days of sprays containing sulphur or captan.
thiophanate-methyl (Senator 50SC) 3209613.15 L1.27 L24 h*1May harm predatory mites. Maximum 2 applications per season.
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 3033171.0-1.5 L405-607 mL12 h28Do not apply more than 3 times per season, or more than twice sequentially. Use high rate for high disease pressure.
fluopyram pyrimethanil (Luna Tranquility) 305107 + 9600 mL242 mL12 h14Use preventatively. Do not apply more than 2 times per season.
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 279857 + 111.0 - 1.2 kg405 g - 485 gdry to 12 days5Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides (Flint, Sovran, Pristine) to 2/season for resistance management. Rotate with other fungicides. Use the higher rate during pink to bloom stages. Caution: Sovran drift may injure cherries. 12 days REI for thinning.
Bacillus subtilis (Serenade Opti) 31666441.7-3.3 kg0.69-1.3 kg24 h*0Suppression only. Apply preventatively at 7- to 10-day intervals.
mineral oil (Purespray Green) 27666NC10L4 L12 h0For suppression of powdery mildew, apply in a minimum of 1000 L water/ha at tight cluster and repeat at 10-14 day intervals. Do not use in combination with or within 14 days of sprays containing sulphur or captan.
thiophanate-methyl (Senator 50SC) 3209613.15 L1.27 L24 h*1May harm predatory mites. Maximum 2 applications per season.
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 3033171.0-1.5 L405-607 mL12 h28Do not apply more than 3 times per season, or more than twice sequentially. Use high rate for high disease pressure.
fluopyram pyrimethanil (Luna Tranquility) 305107 + 9600 mL242 mL12 h14Use preventatively. Do not apply more than 2 times per season.
myclobutanil (Nova 40WP) 223993340 g140 g12 h - 12 days14Rotate with fungicides from other group. Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Nova, Inspire, Fullback) to 2 sprays/season.
flutriafol (Fullback) 316793585 - 877 mL237 - 355 mL12 h14Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Nova, Inspire, Fullback) to 2 sprays/season.
difenoconazole + cyprodinil (Inspire Super) 308273 + 9836 mL338 mL12 h14Suppression of powdery mildew. Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Nova, Inspire, Fullback, Inspire Super) to 2 sprays/season.
myclobutanil (Nova 40WP) 223993340 g140 g12 h - 12 days14Limit use of Group 3 fungicides (Nova, Inspire, Fullback) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. 12 days REI for thinning.
flutriafol (Fullback) 316793585 - 877 mL237 - 355 mL12 h14Limit use of Group 3 fungicides (Nova, Inspire, Fullback) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from other groups.
difenoconazole + cyprodinil (Inspire Super) 308273 + 9836 mL338 mL12 h14Suppression of powdery mildew. Limit use of Group 3 fungicides (Nova, Inspire, Fullback) to 2 sprays/season.
trifloxystrobin (Flint) 3061911140 - 210 g57 - 85 g12 h – 4 days14Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides (Flint, Sovran, Pristine) to 2/season for resistance management. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. CAUTION: Sovran may injure cherries. 4 days REI for thinning.
kresoxim-methyl (Sovran) 2625711240 - 450 g100 - 182 g48 h30CAUTION: Sovran drift may injure cherries.Use higher rate during pink stage. Limit sprays of group 11 fungicides (Flint, Sovran, Pristine) to 2/season.
kresoxim-methyl (Sovran) 2625711240 - 450 g100 - 182 g48 h30CAUTION: Sovran drift may injure cherries. Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides (Flint, Sovran, Pristine) to 2/season for resistance management. Rotate with fungicides from other groups.
benzovindiflupyr (Aprovia) 319817500 mL202 mL12 h30Rotate with other non-Group 7 products. Do not apply in two consecutive sprays nor more than 2 L/ha (1.0 L/acre) per season.
fluxapyroxad (Sercadis) 316977167-333 mL68-135 mL12 h0The use of a non-ionic surfactant (0.125%) is recommended. Begin treatment when conditions favour disease development. Apply a second spray 7-14 days up to blossom if conditions for disease development persist. Maximum amount per season: 1.33 L/ha (538 mL/acre). Maximum 4 applications per season.
benzovindiflupyr + difenoconazole (Aprovia Top) 315263 + 7643 mL260 mL12 h30Rotate with other fungicides that do not contain Group 3 or Group 7 fungicides for resistance management. Do not apply more than 2 consecutive applications.
benzovindiflupyr + difenoconazole (Aprovia Top) 315263 + 7643 mL260 mL12 h30Rotate with other fungicides that do not contain Group 3 or Group 7 fungicides for resistance management. Do not apply more than 2 consecutive applications.
benzovindiflupyr (Aprovia) 319817500 mL202 mL12 h30Rotate with other non-Group 7 products. Do not apply in two consecutive sprays nor more than 2 L/ha (1.0 L/acre) per season.
Polyoxin D Zinc Salt (Diplomat 5SC) 3291819259 - 926 ml104 - 374 ml0 daysSuppression of powdery mildew. Begin as a preventative application when conditions favour disease development, 7 - 14 day spray interval. Number of applications: 3-10 depending on rate.
Polyoxin D Zinc Salt (Diplomat 5SC) 3291819259 - 926 ml104 - 374 ml0 daysSuppression of powdery mildew. Begin as a preventative application when conditions favour disease development, 7 - 14 day spray interval. Number of applications: 3-10 depending on rate.
Mineral oil (Suffoil-X) 33099NC10 L/1000 L of water10 L/1000 L of water12 hours0Test for crop tolerance before widespread use. Apply at tight cluster and continue every 10-14 days. Avoid application during bloom. Do not use within 14 days before or after captan fungicide. Do not apply more than 8 applications per year.
Mineral oil (Suffoil-X) 33099NC10 L/1000 L of water10 L/1000 L of water12 hours0Test for crop tolerance before widespread use. Apply at tight cluster and continue every 10-14 days. Avoid application during bloom. Do not use within 14 days before or after captan fungicide. Do not apply more than 8 applications per year.
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 339517 + 110.3 - 0.4 L0.12 - 0.16 L12 h - 12 days5 days (hand harvest)Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 5 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours.
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 339517 + 110.3 - 0.4 L0.12 - 0.16 L12 h - 12 days5 days (hand harvest)Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 5 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours.
sulphur (Cosavet DF Edge 31869, Kumulus 18836, Microthiol 29487M27.0 kg2.8 kg24 h1
sulphur (Cosavet DF Edge 31869, Kumulus 18836, Microthiol 29487M27.0 kg2.8 kg24 h1Do not apply sulphur in combination with, immediately before, or closely following oil sprays. See description of powdery mildew.
fenazaquin (Magister SC) 3454421 + 391.75 - 2.63 L0.7 - 1.1 L12 h - 17 days10 daysToxic to bees. Avoid application during bloom. Maximum number of applications: 1
fenazaquin (Magister SC) 3454421 + 391.75 - 2.63 L0.7 - 1.1 L12 h - 17 days10 daysToxic to bees. Avoid application during bloom. Maximum number of applications: 1
garlic powder (Buran) 30601NC9 L/500 to 800 L of water9 L/500 to 800 L of water0Disease control can be achieved under low to moderate disease pressure. Begin applications when conditions are conducive to disease development. The addition of a registered non-ionic surfactant such as Agral 90 or AgSurf at a rate of 0.1% could help to improve the spreading.
garlic powder (Buran) 30601NC9 L/500 to 800 L of water9 L/500 to 800 L of water0Disease control can be achieved under low to moderate disease pressure. Begin applications when conditions are conducive to disease development. The addition of a registered non-ionic surfactant such as Agral 90 or AgSurf at a rate of 0.1% could help to improve the spreading.
hydrogen peroxide + peroxyacetic acid (Oxidate 2.0) 32907NC1 L/100 L of water (1% solution)1 L/100 L of water (1% solution)4 h0Start foliar/branch/stem applications before the disease occurs or at the first sign of disease and/or when weather conditions are favourable for disease development. Apply diluted spray to the point of run-off to achieve full and even coverage.
hydrogen peroxide + peroxyacetic acid (Oxidate 2.0) 32907NC1 L/100 L of water1 L/1000 L of water4 h0Start foliar/branch/stem applications before the disease occurs or at the first sign of disease and/or when weather conditions are favourable for disease development. Apply diluted spray to the point of run-off to achieve full and even coverage.
impyrfluxam (Excalia Fungicide) 7146 - 219 ml/ha59 - 88.6 ml/ac12 hPetal fallGreen tip to petal fall only. Application must include a 100% organosilicone adjuvant, such as Xiameter, at 31.3 - 62.5 ml/100 L water.
impyrfluxam (Excalia Fungicide) 7146 - 219 ml/ha59 - 88.6 ml/ac12 hPetal fallGreen tip to petal fall only. Application must include a 100% organosilicone adjuvant, such as Xiameter, at 31.3 - 62.5 ml/100 L water.
Notes: Additional notes: Rotate fungicides from different groups for resistance management.
Notes: Rotate fungicides from different groups for resistance management.

Stage of Development: Pink

Powdery Mildew (Apples)

51 Product Choices

2 Notes

Applications and Notes »  Pest Info »

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.


Stage of Development: Summer
Recommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
Notes: See petal fall for available fungicides. Use caution with sulphur or oil sprays during hot weather. Jonagold is sensitive to sulphur.

Stage of Development: Summer

Powdery Mildew (Apples)

0 Product Choices

1 Notes

Applications and Notes »  Pest Info »

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.