Pesticides for Brown Rot
Stage of Development: Pink |
Recommended Product Choices | Grp1 |
Amount per |
REI2 |
PHI3 (days) |
Precautions and Notes |
Ha |
Acre... |
| | | | | | |
fenbuconazole (Indar) 27294 | 3 | 140 g | 57 g | 12 h | 1 | Limit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Nova, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management. |
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 30331 | 7 | 1.0-1.75 L | 405-709 mL | 12 h | 0 | Do not apply more than 2 times per season. Use high rate for high disease pressure. |
boscalid (Cantus) 30141 | 7 | 370 g | 150 g | 12 h | 0 | Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications. |
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 27985 | 7 + 11 | 750 g - 1 kg | 300 g - 405 g | dry - 10 days | 0 | Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications. Also suppresses powdery mildew. Do not use more than 2-3 times per season. 10 days REI for thinning. |
fluxapyroxad (Sercadis) 31697 | 7 | 333 mL | 135 mL | 12 h | 0 | The use of a non-ionic surfactant (0.125%) is recommended. Begin treatment when conditions favour disease development. Apply a second spray 7-14 days up to blossom if conditions for disease development persist. Maximum amount per season: 1 L/ha (405 mL/acre). Maximum 3 applications per season. |
metconazole (Quash 30402) | 3 | 175 - 245 g | 71 - 99 g | 12 h-9 days | 14 | Use in rotation with fungicides from other groups from pink to petal fall. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning. |
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107 | 7+11 | 300-400 mL | 121-162 mL | 12 h | 1 day | Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season. |
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405 | 3 | 0.25 - 0.375 L | 0.1 - 0.15 L | 12 hours | 0 | Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development. |
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206 | 7 + 3 | 1 L | 405 ml | 12 hours | 0 days | Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days. |
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951 | 7 + 11 | 0.3 - 0.4 L | 0.12 - 0.16 L | 12 h - 12 days | 1 day (hand harvest) | Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours. |
BLAD polypeptide (ProBlad) 34050 | BM-01 | 1.5 - 3.3 L | 0.61 - 1.33 L | | 0 | Make application in the month before harvest on a 7 to 10 day preventive schedule when conditions favour disease development. |
Notes: Brown rot infection begins at bloom. Protect blossoms if weather is wet. Rotate fungicides for resistance management. |
Stage of Development: Pink
fenbuconazole (Indar) 27294
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
140 g |
Acre |
57 g |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Nova, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management.
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 30331
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
1.0-1.75 L |
Acre |
405-709 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply more than 2 times per season. Use high rate for high disease pressure.
boscalid (Cantus) 30141
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
370 g |
Acre |
150 g |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications.
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 27985
Grp1 |
7 + 11 |
Ha |
750 g - 1 kg |
Acre |
300 g - 405 g |
REI2 |
dry – 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications. Also suppresses powdery mildew. Do not use more than 2-3 times per season. 10 days REI for thinning.
fluxapyroxad (Sercadis) 31697
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
333 mL |
Acre |
135 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
The use of a non-ionic surfactant (0.125%) is recommended. Begin treatment when conditions favour disease development. Apply a second spray 7-14 days up to blossom if conditions for disease development persist. Maximum amount per season: 1 L/ha (405 mL/acre). Maximum 3 applications per season.
Grp1 |
Ha |
1.5-3.3 L |
Acre |
0.6-1.3 L |
REI2 |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Suppression only. Use preventatively at pink, full bloom and petal fall. Maximum 3 applications/season.
metconazole (Quash 30402)
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
175 - 245 g |
Acre |
71 - 99 g |
REI2 |
12 h - 9 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
14 |
Precautions and Notes
Use in rotation with fungicides from other groups from pink to petal fall. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning.
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107
Grp1 |
7+11 |
Ha |
300-400 mL |
Acre |
121-162 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day |
Precautions and Notes
Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season.
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
0.25 - 0.375 L |
Acre |
0.1 - 0.15 L |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development.
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206
Grp1 |
7 + 3 |
Ha |
1 L |
Acre |
405 ml |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 days |
Precautions and Notes
Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days.
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951
Grp1 |
7 + 11 |
Ha |
0.3 - 0.4 L |
Acre |
0.12 - 0.16 L |
REI2 |
12 h - 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day (hand harvest) |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours.
BLAD polypeptide (ProBlad) 34050
Grp1 |
BM-01 |
Ha |
1.5 - 3.3 L |
Acre |
0.61 - 1.33 L |
REI2 |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Make application in the month before harvest on a 7 to 10 day preventive schedule when conditions favour disease development.
Notes: Brown rot infection begins at bloom. Protect blossoms if weather is wet. Rotate fungicides for resistance management.
1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.
Stage of Development: Blossom |
Recommended Product Choices | Grp1 |
Amount per |
REI2 |
PHI3 (days) |
Precautions and Notes |
Ha |
Acre... |
| | | | | | |
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 30331 | 7 | 1.0 - 1.75 L | 405 - 709 mL | 12 h | 0 | Do not apply more than 2 times per season. Use high rate for high disease pressure. |
boscalid (Cantus) 30141 | 7 | 370 g | 150 g | 12 h | 0 | Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications. |
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 27985 | 7 + 11 | 750 g - 1 kg | 300 g - 405 g | dry - 10 days | 0 | Also suppresses powdery mildew. Do not use more than 2 - 3 times per season for resistance management. 10 days REI for thinning. |
fenbuconazole (Indar) 27294 | 3 | 140 g | 57 g | 12 h | 1 | Limit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Prinecton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management. |
Bacillus subtilis (Serenade Opti) 31666 | 44 | 1.1-1.7 kg | 445-688 g | 24 h* | 0 | Suppression only. Begin at early bloom and repeat at 7 day intervals through petal fall. |
captan (Captan Supra 33641, Maestro 33488) | M4 | 3.75 - 4.5 kg | 1.5 - 1.8 kg | 48 h | 2 | |
copper octanoate (Cueva Commercial) 31825 | M1 | Prepare 0.5-2% solution (5-20 L/1000 L water) | | 4 h | 1 | Apply 470-940 L of mixture/ha (190-380 L/acre) at delayed dormant (bud swell), popcorn, full bloom and petal fall stages for blossom blight control. |
fluxapyroxad (Sercadis) 31697 | 7 | 333 mL | 135 mL | 12 h | 0 | The use of a non-ionic surfactant (0.125 % v/v) is recommended. |
metconazole (Quash 30402) | 3 | 175 - 245 g | 71 - 99 g | 12 h - 9 days | 14 | Use in rotation with fungicides from other groups from pink to petal fall. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning. |
Isofetamid (Kenja) 31758 | 7 | 913 ml | 369 ml | 12 hrs | 1 | Suppression only. Apply with a silicone surfactant. Do not apply more than 2 consecutive Group 7 applications. Maximum of 3 applications per year. |
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107 | 7+11 | 300-400 mL | 121-162 mL | 12 h | 1 day | Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season. |
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405 | 3 | 0.25 - 0.375 L | 0.1 - 0.15 L | 12 hours | 0 | Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development. |
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206 | 7 + 3 | 1 L | 405 ml | 12 hours | 0 days | Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days. |
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951 | 7 + 11 | 0.3 - 0.4 L | 0.12 - 0.16 L | 12 h - 12 days | 1 day (hand harvest) | Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours. |
propiconazole (Princeton) 33840 | 3 | 300 ml | 121 ml | 4 hr to 3 days | 3 days | Limit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management. |
Notes: Brown rot infection begins at bloom. Protect blossoms if weather is wet. Rotate fungicides for resistance management. |
Stage of Development: Blossom
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 30331
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
1.0 - 1.75 L |
Acre |
405 - 709 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply more than 2 times per season. Use high rate for high disease pressure.
boscalid (Cantus) 30141
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
370 g |
Acre |
150 g |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications.
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 27985
Grp1 |
7 + 11 |
Ha |
750 g - 1 kg |
Acre |
300 g - 405 g |
REI2 |
dry – 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Also suppresses powdery mildew. Do not use more than 2 - 3 times per season for resistance management. 10 days REI for thinning.
Grp1 |
Ha |
370 g |
Acre |
150 g |
REI2 |
PHI2 (days) |
2 |
Precautions and Notes
fenbuconazole (Indar) 27294
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
140 g |
Acre |
57 g |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Prinecton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management.
Grp1 |
Ha |
500 mL |
Acre |
200 mL |
REI2 |
PHI2 (days) |
3 |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Topas, Jade, Tilt, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management.
Bacillus subtilis (Serenade Opti) 31666
Grp1 |
44 |
Ha |
1.1-1.7 kg |
Acre |
445-688 g |
REI2 |
4 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Suppression only. Begin at early bloom and repeat at 7 day intervals through petal fall.
captan (Captan Supra 33641, Maestro 33488)
Grp1 |
M4 |
Ha |
3.75 - 4.5 kg |
Acre |
1.5 - 1.8 kg |
REI2 |
24 h - 29 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
2 |
Precautions and Notes
copper octanoate (Cueva Commercial) 31825
Grp1 |
M1 |
Ha |
Prepare 0.5-2% solution (5-20 L/1000 L water) |
Acre |
REI2 |
4 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Apply 470-940 L of mixture/ha (190-380 L/acre) at delayed dormant (bud swell), popcorn, full bloom and petal fall stages for blossom blight control.
fluxapyroxad (Sercadis) 31697
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
333 mL |
Acre |
135 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
The use of a non-ionic surfactant (0.125 % v/v) is recommended.
metconazole (Quash 30402)
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
175 - 245 g |
Acre |
71 - 99 g |
REI2 |
12 h - 9 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
14 |
Precautions and Notes
Use in rotation with fungicides from other groups from pink to petal fall. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning.
Isofetamid (Kenja) 31758
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
913 ml |
Acre |
369 ml |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Suppression only. Apply with a silicone surfactant. Do not apply more than 2 consecutive Group 7 applications. Maximum of 3 applications per year.
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107
Grp1 |
7+11 |
Ha |
300-400 mL |
Acre |
121-162 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day |
Precautions and Notes
Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season.
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
0.25 - 0.375 L |
Acre |
0.1 - 0.15 L |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development.
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206
Grp1 |
7 + 3 |
Ha |
1 L |
Acre |
405 ml |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 days |
Precautions and Notes
Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days.
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951
Grp1 |
7 + 11 |
Ha |
0.3 - 0.4 L |
Acre |
0.12 - 0.16 L |
REI2 |
12 h - 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day (hand harvest) |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours.
propiconazole (Princeton) 33840
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
300 ml |
Acre |
121 ml |
REI2 |
4 h to 3 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
3 days |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management.
Notes: Brown rot infection begins at bloom. Protect blossoms if weather is wet. Rotate fungicides for resistance management.
1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.
Stage of Development: Petal Fall |
Recommended Product Choices | Grp1 |
Amount per |
REI2 |
PHI3 (days) |
Precautions and Notes |
Ha |
Acre... |
| | | | | | |
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 30331 | 7 | 1.0- 1.75 L | 405- 709 mL | 12 h | 0 | Do not apply more than 2 times per season. Use high rate for high disease pressure. |
boscalid (Cantus) 30141 | 7 | 370 g | 150 g | 12 h | 0 | Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications |
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 27985 | 7 + 11 | 750 g - 1 kg | 300 g - 405 g | dry- 10 days | 0 | Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications. Also suppresses powdery mildew. Do not use more than 2-3 times per season. 10 days REI for thinning. |
fenbuconazole (Indar) 27294 | 3 | 140 g | 57 g | 12 h | 1 | Limit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management. |
Bacillus subtilis (Serenade Opti) 31666 | 44 | 1.1-1.7 kg | 445-688 g | 24 h* | 0 | Suppression only. Begin at early bloom and repeat at 7 day intervals through petal fall. |
captan (Captan Supra 33641, Maestro 33488) | M4 | 3.75 - 4.5 kg | 1.5 - 1.8 kg | 48 h | 2 | |
metconazole (Quash 30402) | 3 | 175 - 245 g | 71 - 99 g | 12 h - 9 days | 14 | Use in rotation with fungicides from other groups from pink to petal fall. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning. |
Isofetamid (Kenja) 31758 | 7 | 913 ml | 369 ml | | 1 | Suppression only. Apply with a silicone surfactant. Do not apply more than 2 consecutive Group 7 applications. Maximum of 3 applications per year. |
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107 | 7+11 | 300-400 mL | 121-162 mL | 12 h | 1 day | Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season. |
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405 | 3 | 0.25 - 0.375 L | 0.1 - 0.15 L | 12 hours | 0 | Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development. |
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206 | 7 + 3 | 1 L | 405 ml | 12 hours | 0 days | Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days. |
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951 | 7 + 11 | 0.3 - 0.4 L | 0.12 - 0.16 L | 12 h - 12 days | 1 day (hand harvest) | Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours. |
propiconazole (Princeton) 33840 | 3 | 300 ml | 121 ml | 4 hr to 3 days | 3 days | Limit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management. |
Notes: Brown rot infection begins at bloom. Protect the blossoms if the weather is wet. Rotate fungicides for resistance management. |
Stage of Development: Petal Fall
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 30331
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
1.0- 1.75 L |
Acre |
405- 709 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply more than 2 times per season. Use high rate for high disease pressure.
boscalid (Cantus) 30141
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
370 g |
Acre |
150 g |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 27985
Grp1 |
7 + 11 |
Ha |
750 g - 1 kg |
Acre |
300 g - 405 g |
REI2 |
dry – 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications. Also suppresses powdery mildew. Do not use more than 2-3 times per season. 10 days REI for thinning.
fenbuconazole (Indar) 27294
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
140 g |
Acre |
57 g |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management.
Grp1 |
Ha |
500 mL |
Acre |
200 mL |
REI2 |
PHI2 (days) |
3 |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Topas, Jade, Tilt, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management.
Bacillus subtilis (Serenade Opti) 31666
Grp1 |
44 |
Ha |
1.1-1.7 kg |
Acre |
445-688 g |
REI2 |
4 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Suppression only. Begin at early bloom and repeat at 7 day intervals through petal fall.
captan (Captan Supra 33641, Maestro 33488)
Grp1 |
M4 |
Ha |
3.75 - 4.5 kg |
Acre |
1.5 - 1.8 kg |
REI2 |
24 h - 29 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
2 |
Precautions and Notes
metconazole (Quash 30402)
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
175 - 245 g |
Acre |
71 - 99 g |
REI2 |
12 h - 9 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
14 |
Precautions and Notes
Use in rotation with fungicides from other groups from pink to petal fall. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning.
Isofetamid (Kenja) 31758
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
913 ml |
Acre |
369 ml |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Suppression only. Apply with a silicone surfactant. Do not apply more than 2 consecutive Group 7 applications. Maximum of 3 applications per year.
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107
Grp1 |
7+11 |
Ha |
300-400 mL |
Acre |
121-162 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day |
Precautions and Notes
Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season.
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
0.25 - 0.375 L |
Acre |
0.1 - 0.15 L |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development.
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206
Grp1 |
7 + 3 |
Ha |
1 L |
Acre |
405 ml |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 days |
Precautions and Notes
Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days.
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951
Grp1 |
7 + 11 |
Ha |
0.3 - 0.4 L |
Acre |
0.12 - 0.16 L |
REI2 |
12 h - 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day (hand harvest) |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours.
propiconazole (Princeton) 33840
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
300 ml |
Acre |
121 ml |
REI2 |
4 h to 3 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
3 days |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management.
Notes: Brown rot infection begins at bloom. Protect the blossoms if the weather is wet. Rotate fungicides for resistance management.
1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.
Stage of Development: Summer |
Recommended Product Choices | Grp1 |
Amount per |
REI2 |
PHI3 (days) |
Precautions and Notes |
Ha |
Acre... |
| | | | | | |
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 30331 | 7 | 1.0- 1.75 L | 405- 709 mL | 12 h | 0 | Do not apply more than 2 times per season. Use high rate for high disease pressure. |
boscalid (Cantus) 30141 | 7 | 370 g | 150 g | 12 h | 0 | Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications. |
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 27985 | 7 + 11 | 750 g- 1 kg | 300 g -405 g | dry- 10 days | 0 | Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications. 10 days REI for thinning. |
fenbuconazole (Indar) 27294 | 3 | 140 g | 57 g | 12 h | 1 | Limit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management. |
captan (Captan Supra 33641, Maestro 33488) | M4 | 3.75 - 4.5 kg | 1.5 - 1.8 kg | 48 h | 2 | |
metconazole (Quash 30402) | 3 | 175 - 280 g | 71 - 113 g | 12 h - 9 days | 14 | For fruit brown rot apply 14-21 days before harvest. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning. |
Isofetamid (Kenja) 31758 | 7 | 913 ml | 369 ml | 12 hrs | 1 | Suppression only. Apply with a silicone surfactant. Do not apply more than 2 consecutive Group 7 applications. Maximum of 3 applications per year. |
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107 | 7+11 | 300-400 mL | 121-162 mL | 12 h | 1 day | Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season. |
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405 | 3 | 0.25 - 0.375 L | 0.1 - 0.15 L | 12 hours | 0 | Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development. |
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206 | 7 + 3 | 1 L | 405 ml | 12 hours | 0 days | Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days. |
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951 | 7 + 11 | 0.3 - 0.4 L | 0.12 - 0.16 L | 12 h - 12 days | 1 day (hand harvest) | Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours. |
Notes: Fruit becomes increasingly susceptible to brown rot as it ripens. Rotate fungicides for resistance management. Follow pre-harvest intervals. |
Stage of Development: Summer
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 30331
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
1.0- 1.75 L |
Acre |
405- 709 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply more than 2 times per season. Use high rate for high disease pressure.
boscalid (Cantus) 30141
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
370 g |
Acre |
150 g |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications.
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 27985
Grp1 |
7 + 11 |
Ha |
750 g- 1 kg |
Acre |
300 g -405 g |
REI2 |
dry – 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications. 10 days REI for thinning.
Grp1 |
Ha |
740 g |
Acre |
300 g |
REI2 |
PHI2 (days) |
2 |
Precautions and Notes
fenbuconazole (Indar) 27294
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
140 g |
Acre |
57 g |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management.
Grp1 |
Ha |
500 mL |
Acre |
200 mL |
REI2 |
PHI2 (days) |
3 |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Topas, Jade, Tilt, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management.
captan (Captan Supra 33641, Maestro 33488)
Grp1 |
M4 |
Ha |
3.75 - 4.5 kg |
Acre |
1.5 - 1.8 kg |
REI2 |
24 h - 29 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
2 |
Precautions and Notes
metconazole (Quash 30402)
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
175 - 280 g |
Acre |
71 - 113 g |
REI2 |
12 h - 9 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
14 |
Precautions and Notes
For fruit brown rot apply 14-21 days before harvest. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning.
Isofetamid (Kenja) 31758
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
913 ml |
Acre |
369 ml |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Suppression only. Apply with a silicone surfactant. Do not apply more than 2 consecutive Group 7 applications. Maximum of 3 applications per year.
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107
Grp1 |
7+11 |
Ha |
300-400 mL |
Acre |
121-162 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day |
Precautions and Notes
Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season.
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
0.25 - 0.375 L |
Acre |
0.1 - 0.15 L |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development.
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206
Grp1 |
7 + 3 |
Ha |
1 L |
Acre |
405 ml |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 days |
Precautions and Notes
Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days.
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951
Grp1 |
7 + 11 |
Ha |
0.3 - 0.4 L |
Acre |
0.12 - 0.16 L |
REI2 |
12 h - 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day (hand harvest) |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours.
Notes: Fruit becomes increasingly susceptible to brown rot as it ripens. Rotate fungicides for resistance management. Follow pre-harvest intervals.
1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.
Stage of Development: Pink |
Recommended Product Choices | Grp1 |
Amount per |
REI2 |
PHI3 (days) |
Precautions and Notes |
Ha |
Acre... |
| | | | | | |
fluxapyroxad (Sercadis) 31697 | 7 | 333 mL | 135 mL | 12 h | 0 | The use of a non-ionic surfactant (0.125%) is recommended. Begin treatment when conditions favour disease development. Apply a second spray 7-14 days up to blossom if conditions for disease development persist. Maximum amount per season: 1 L/ha (405 mL/acre). Maximum 3 applications per season. |
metconazole (Quash 30402) | 3 | 175 - 245 g | 71 - 99 g | 12 h - 9 days | 14 | Use in rotation with fungicides from other groups from pink to petal fall. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning. |
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107 | 7+11 | 300-400 mL | 121-162 mL | 12 h | 1 day | Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season. |
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405 | 3 | 0.25 - 0.375 L | 0.1 - 0.15 L | 12 hours | 0 | Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development. |
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951 | 7 + 11 | 0.3 - 0.4 L | 0.12 - 0.16 L | 12 h - 12 days | 1 day (hand harvest) | Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours. |
BLAD polypeptide (ProBlad) 34050 | BM-01 | 1.5 - 3.3 L | 0.61 - 1.33 L | | 0 | Make application in the month before harvest on a 7 to 10 day preventive schedule when conditions favour disease development. |
Stage of Development: Pink
fluxapyroxad (Sercadis) 31697
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
333 mL |
Acre |
135 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
The use of a non-ionic surfactant (0.125%) is recommended. Begin treatment when conditions favour disease development. Apply a second spray 7-14 days up to blossom if conditions for disease development persist. Maximum amount per season: 1 L/ha (405 mL/acre). Maximum 3 applications per season.
Grp1 |
Ha |
1.5-3.3 L |
Acre |
0.6-1.3 L |
REI2 |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Suppression only. Use preventatively at pink, full bloom and petal fall. Maximum 3 applications/season.
metconazole (Quash 30402)
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
175 - 245 g |
Acre |
71 - 99 g |
REI2 |
12 h - 9 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
14 |
Precautions and Notes
Use in rotation with fungicides from other groups from pink to petal fall. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning.
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107
Grp1 |
7+11 |
Ha |
300-400 mL |
Acre |
121-162 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day |
Precautions and Notes
Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season.
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
0.25 - 0.375 L |
Acre |
0.1 - 0.15 L |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development.
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951
Grp1 |
7 + 11 |
Ha |
0.3 - 0.4 L |
Acre |
0.12 - 0.16 L |
REI2 |
12 h - 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day (hand harvest) |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours.
BLAD polypeptide (ProBlad) 34050
Grp1 |
BM-01 |
Ha |
1.5 - 3.3 L |
Acre |
0.61 - 1.33 L |
REI2 |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Make application in the month before harvest on a 7 to 10 day preventive schedule when conditions favour disease development.
1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.
Stage of Development: Blossom |
Recommended Product Choices | Grp1 |
Amount per |
REI2 |
PHI3 (days) |
Precautions and Notes |
Ha |
Acre... |
| | | | | | |
captan (Captan Supra 33641, Maestro 33488) | M4 | 3.75 - 4.5 kg | 1.5 - 1.8 kg | 48 h | 2 | Do not apply captan in combination with or immediately before or closely following oil sprays. |
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 30331 | 7 | 1.0-1.75 L | 405-709 mL | 12 h | 0 | Do not apply more than 2 times per season. Use high rate for high disease pressure. |
boscalid (Cantus) 30141 | 7 | 370 g | 150 g | 12 h | 0 | Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications. |
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 27985 | 7 + 11 | 750 g - 1 kg | 304 g - 405 g | dry - 10 days | 0 | Also suppresses powdery mildew. Limit sprays of class 11 fungicides to 2 per season for resistance management. 10 days REI for thinning. |
fenhexamid (Elevate) 25900 | 17 | 1.7 kg | 690 g | 4 h | 1 | Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications. |
thiophanate-methyl (Senator 50SC) 32096 | 1 | 2.45 L | 1 L | 24 h* | 1 | Maximum 2 applications/season |
fenbuconazole (Indar) 27294 | 3 | 140 g | 57 g | 12 h | 1 | Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Princeton, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups. |
triforine (Funginex) 27686 | 3 | 2.5 L | 1.0 L | 48 h | Bloom only | Do not apply after blossom. |
Bacillus subtilis (Serenade Opti) 31666 | 44 | 1.1-1.7 kg | 445-688 g | 24h* | 0 | Suppression only. Begin at early bloom and repeat at 7 day intervals through petal fall. |
myclobutanil (Nova 40WP) 22399 | 3 | 340 g | 140 g | 12 h - 12 days | 1 | Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Topas, Jade, Tilt, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from other groups for resistance management. 12 days REI for thinning. |
copper octanoate (Cueva Commercial) 31825 | M1 | Prepare 0.5-2% solution (5-20 L/1000 L water) | | 4 h | 1 | Apply 470-940 L of mixture/ha (190-380 L/acre) at delayed dormant (bud swell), popcorn, full bloom and petal fall stages for blossom blight control. |
fluxapyroxad (Sercadis) 31697 | 7 | 333 mL | 135 mL | 12 h | 0 | The use of a non-ionic surfactant (0.125 % v/v) is recommended. |
metconazole (Quash 30402) | 3 | 175 - 245 g | 71 - 99 g | 12 h - 9 days | 14 | Use in rotation with fungicides from other groups from pink to petal fall. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning. |
Isofetamid (Kenja) 31758 | 7 | 913 ml | 369 ml | 12 hrs | 1 | Suppression only. Apply with a silicone surfactant. Do not apply more than 2 consecutive Group 7 applications. Maximum of 3 applications per year. |
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107 | 7+11 | 300-400 mL | 121-162 mL | 12 h | 1 day | Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season. |
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405 | 3 | 0.25 - 0.375 L | 0.1 - 0.15 L | 12 hours | 0 | Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development. |
chlorothalonil (Bravo ZNC) 33515 | M5 | 5 - 7 L | 2.0 - 2.83 L | | 60 days | Do not apply Bravo after shuck split. Use higher rate for trees over 6 m in height. Refer to label for specific REI's for thinning activities. |
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206 | 7 + 3 | 1 L | 405 ml | 12 hours | 0 days | Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days. |
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951 | 7 + 11 | 0.3 - 0.4 L | 0.12 - 0.16 L | 12 h - 12 days | 1 day (hand harvest) | Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours. |
propiconazole (Princeton) 33840 | 3 | 300 ml | 121 ml | 4 hr to 3 days | 3 days | Limit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management. |
chlorothalonil (Echo) 33479 | M5 | 3.5 - 6.3 L | 1.4 - 2.5 L | 12 hr - 11 days | 60 | Do not apply Echo after shuck split. Use higher rate for trees over 6 m in height. Refer to label for specific REI's for thinning activities. Do no apply this product within 10 days of an oil application as it may cause burning to flowers and leaf tissue. |
Notes: Brown rot infection begins at bloom. Protect blossoms if weather is wet. Rotate fungicides for resistance management. |
Stage of Development: Blossom
captan (Captan Supra 33641, Maestro 33488)
Grp1 |
M4 |
Ha |
3.75 - 4.5 kg |
Acre |
1.5 - 1.8 kg |
REI2 |
24 h - 29 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
2 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply captan in combination with or immediately before or closely following oil sprays.
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 30331
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
1.0-1.75 L |
Acre |
405-709 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply more than 2 times per season. Use high rate for high disease pressure.
boscalid (Cantus) 30141
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
370 g |
Acre |
150 g |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications.
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 27985
Grp1 |
7 + 11 |
Ha |
750 g - 1 kg |
Acre |
304 g - 405 g |
REI2 |
dry – 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Also suppresses powdery mildew. Limit sprays of class 11 fungicides to 2 per season for resistance management. 10 days REI for thinning.
fenhexamid (Elevate) 25900
Grp1 |
17 |
Ha |
1.7 kg |
Acre |
690 g |
REI2 |
4 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications.
thiophanate-methyl (Senator 50SC) 32096
Grp1 |
1 |
Ha |
2.45 L |
Acre |
1 L |
REI2 |
12 h - 7 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Maximum 2 applications/season
fenbuconazole (Indar) 27294
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
140 g |
Acre |
57 g |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Princeton, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups.
Grp1 |
Ha |
500 mL |
Acre |
200 mL |
REI2 |
PHI2 (days) |
3 |
Precautions and Notes
Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Topas, Jade, Tilt, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups resistance management.
triforine (Funginex) 27686
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
2.5 L |
Acre |
1.0 L |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
Bloom only |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply after blossom.
Grp1 |
Ha |
370 g |
Acre |
150 g |
REI2 |
PHI2 (days) |
2 |
Precautions and Notes
May be tank mixed with Nova (340g/ha) or Rovral (840g/ha)
Grp1 |
Ha |
5.0-9.0 L |
Acre |
2.0-3.6 L |
REI2 |
PHI2 (days) |
60 |
Precautions and Notes
Use higher rate for trees over 6 m tall, or if weather is warm and wet. Refer to label for specific REI's for thinning activities.
Bacillus subtilis (Serenade Opti) 31666
Grp1 |
44 |
Ha |
1.1-1.7 kg |
Acre |
445-688 g |
REI2 |
4 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Suppression only. Begin at early bloom and repeat at 7 day intervals through petal fall.
myclobutanil (Nova 40WP) 22399
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
340 g |
Acre |
140 g |
REI2 |
12 h – 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Topas, Jade, Tilt, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from other groups for resistance management. 12 days REI for thinning.
copper octanoate (Cueva Commercial) 31825
Grp1 |
M1 |
Ha |
Prepare 0.5-2% solution (5-20 L/1000 L water) |
Acre |
REI2 |
4 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Apply 470-940 L of mixture/ha (190-380 L/acre) at delayed dormant (bud swell), popcorn, full bloom and petal fall stages for blossom blight control.
fluxapyroxad (Sercadis) 31697
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
333 mL |
Acre |
135 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
The use of a non-ionic surfactant (0.125 % v/v) is recommended.
metconazole (Quash 30402)
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
175 - 245 g |
Acre |
71 - 99 g |
REI2 |
12 h - 9 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
14 |
Precautions and Notes
Use in rotation with fungicides from other groups from pink to petal fall. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning.
Isofetamid (Kenja) 31758
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
913 ml |
Acre |
369 ml |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Suppression only. Apply with a silicone surfactant. Do not apply more than 2 consecutive Group 7 applications. Maximum of 3 applications per year.
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107
Grp1 |
7+11 |
Ha |
300-400 mL |
Acre |
121-162 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day |
Precautions and Notes
Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season.
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
0.25 - 0.375 L |
Acre |
0.1 - 0.15 L |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development.
chlorothalonil (Bravo ZNC) 33515
Grp1 |
M5 |
Ha |
5 - 7 L |
Acre |
2.0 - 2.83 L |
REI2 |
12 h - 11 days* |
PHI2 (days) |
60 days |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply Bravo after shuck split. Use higher rate for trees over 6 m in height. Refer to label for specific REI's for thinning activities.
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206
Grp1 |
7 + 3 |
Ha |
1 L |
Acre |
405 ml |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 days |
Precautions and Notes
Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days.
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951
Grp1 |
7 + 11 |
Ha |
0.3 - 0.4 L |
Acre |
0.12 - 0.16 L |
REI2 |
12 h - 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day (hand harvest) |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours.
propiconazole (Princeton) 33840
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
300 ml |
Acre |
121 ml |
REI2 |
4 h to 3 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
3 days |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management.
chlorothalonil (Echo) 33479
Grp1 |
M5 |
Ha |
3.5 - 6.3 L |
Acre |
1.4 - 2.5 L |
REI2 |
12 h to 11 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
60 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply Echo after shuck split. Use higher rate for trees over 6 m in height. Refer to label for specific REI's for thinning activities. Do no apply this product within 10 days of an oil application as it may cause burning to flowers and leaf tissue.
Notes: Brown rot infection begins at bloom. Protect blossoms if weather is wet. Rotate fungicides for resistance management.
1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.
Stage of Development: Petal Fall |
Recommended Product Choices | Grp1 |
Amount per |
REI2 |
PHI3 (days) |
Precautions and Notes |
Ha |
Acre... |
| | | | | | |
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 30331 | 7 | 1.0-1.75 L | 405-709 mL | 12 h | 0 | Do not apply more than 2 times per season. Use high rate for high disease pressure. |
boscalid (Cantus) 30141 | 7 | 370 g | 150 g | 12 h | 0 | Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications. |
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 27985 | 7 + 11 | 750 g - 1 kg | 304 g - 405 g | dry - 10 days | 0 | Also suppresses powdery mildew. Limit sprays of class 11 fungicides to 2 per season for resistance management. 10 days REI for thinning. |
fenhexamid (Elevate) 25900 | 17 | 1.7 kg | 690 g | 4 h | 1 | Do not apply more than 2 consecutive applications. |
fenbuconazole (Indar) 27294 | 3 | 140 g | 57 g | 12 h | 1 | Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Princeton, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups. |
Bacillus subtilis (Serenade Opti) 31666 | 44 | 1.1-1.7 kg | 445-688 g | 24 h* | 0 | Suppression only. Begin at early bloom and repeat at 7 day intervals through petal fall. |
myclobutanil (Nova 40WP) 22399 | 3 | 340 g | 140 g | 12 h - 12 days | 1 | Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Topas, Jade, Tilt, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. 12 days REI for thinning. |
captan (Captan Supra 33641, Maestro 33488) | M4 | 3.75 - 4.5 kg | 1.5 - 1.8 kg | 48 h | 2 | |
metconazole (Quash 30402) | 3 | 175 - 245 g | 71 - 99 g | 12 h - 9 days | 14 | Use preventatively in rotation with fungicides from other groups from pink to petal fall. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning. |
Isofetamid (Kenja) 31758 | 7 | 913 ml | 369 ml | 12 hrs | 1 | Suppression only. Apply with a silicone surfactant. Do not apply more than 2 consecutive Group 7 applications. Maximum of 3 applications per year. |
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107 | 7+11 | 300-400 mL | 121-162 mL | 12 h | 1 day | Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season. |
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405 | 3 | 0.25 - 0.375 L | 0.1 - 0.15 L | 12 hours | 0 | Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development. |
chlorothalonil (Bravo ZNC) 33515 | M5 | 5 - 7 L | 2.0 - 2.83 L | | 60 days | Do not apply Bravo after shuck split. Use higher rate for trees over 6 m in height. Refer to label for specific REI's for thinning activities. |
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206 | 7 + 3 | 1 L | 405 ml | 12 hours | 0 days | Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days. |
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951 | 7 + 11 | 0.3 - 0.4 L | 0.12 - 0.16 L | 12 h - 12 days | 1 day (hand harvest) | Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours. |
propiconazole (Princeton) 33840 | 3 | 300 ml | 121 ml | 4 hr to 3 days | 3 days | Limit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management. |
chlorothalonil (Echo) 33479 | M5 | 3.5 - 6.3 L | 1.4 - 2.5 L | 12 hr - 11 days | 60 | Do not apply Echo after shuck split. Use higher rate for trees over 6 m in height. Refer to label for specific REI's for thinning activities. Do no apply this product within 10 days of an oil application as it may cause burning to flowers and leaf tissue. |
Notes: Brown rot infection begins at bloom. Protect blossoms if weather is wet. Rotate fungicides for resistance management. |
Stage of Development: Petal Fall
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 30331
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
1.0-1.75 L |
Acre |
405-709 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply more than 2 times per season. Use high rate for high disease pressure.
boscalid (Cantus) 30141
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
370 g |
Acre |
150 g |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications.
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 27985
Grp1 |
7 + 11 |
Ha |
750 g - 1 kg |
Acre |
304 g - 405 g |
REI2 |
dry – 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Also suppresses powdery mildew. Limit sprays of class 11 fungicides to 2 per season for resistance management. 10 days REI for thinning.
fenhexamid (Elevate) 25900
Grp1 |
17 |
Ha |
1.7 kg |
Acre |
690 g |
REI2 |
4 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply more than 2 consecutive applications.
fenbuconazole (Indar) 27294
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
140 g |
Acre |
57 g |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Princeton, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups.
Grp1 |
Ha |
500 mL |
Acre |
200 mL |
REI2 |
PHI2 (days) |
3 |
Precautions and Notes
Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Topas, Jade, Tilt, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups.
Grp1 |
Ha |
5.0-9.0 L |
Acre |
2.0-3.6 L |
REI2 |
PHI2 (days) |
60 |
Precautions and Notes
Use higher rate for trees over 6 m tall. Refer to label for specific REI's for thinning activities.
Bacillus subtilis (Serenade Opti) 31666
Grp1 |
44 |
Ha |
1.1-1.7 kg |
Acre |
445-688 g |
REI2 |
4 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Suppression only. Begin at early bloom and repeat at 7 day intervals through petal fall.
myclobutanil (Nova 40WP) 22399
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
340 g |
Acre |
140 g |
REI2 |
12 h – 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Topas, Jade, Tilt, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. 12 days REI for thinning.
captan (Captan Supra 33641, Maestro 33488)
Grp1 |
M4 |
Ha |
3.75 - 4.5 kg |
Acre |
1.5 - 1.8 kg |
REI2 |
24 h - 29 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
2 |
Precautions and Notes
metconazole (Quash 30402)
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
175 - 245 g |
Acre |
71 - 99 g |
REI2 |
12 h - 9 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
14 |
Precautions and Notes
Use preventatively in rotation with fungicides from other groups from pink to petal fall. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning.
Isofetamid (Kenja) 31758
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
913 ml |
Acre |
369 ml |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Suppression only. Apply with a silicone surfactant. Do not apply more than 2 consecutive Group 7 applications. Maximum of 3 applications per year.
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107
Grp1 |
7+11 |
Ha |
300-400 mL |
Acre |
121-162 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day |
Precautions and Notes
Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season.
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
0.25 - 0.375 L |
Acre |
0.1 - 0.15 L |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development.
chlorothalonil (Bravo ZNC) 33515
Grp1 |
M5 |
Ha |
5 - 7 L |
Acre |
2.0 - 2.83 L |
REI2 |
12 h - 11 days* |
PHI2 (days) |
60 days |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply Bravo after shuck split. Use higher rate for trees over 6 m in height. Refer to label for specific REI's for thinning activities.
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206
Grp1 |
7 + 3 |
Ha |
1 L |
Acre |
405 ml |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 days |
Precautions and Notes
Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days.
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951
Grp1 |
7 + 11 |
Ha |
0.3 - 0.4 L |
Acre |
0.12 - 0.16 L |
REI2 |
12 h - 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day (hand harvest) |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours.
propiconazole (Princeton) 33840
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
300 ml |
Acre |
121 ml |
REI2 |
4 h to 3 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
3 days |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management.
chlorothalonil (Echo) 33479
Grp1 |
M5 |
Ha |
3.5 - 6.3 L |
Acre |
1.4 - 2.5 L |
REI2 |
12 h to 11 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
60 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply Echo after shuck split. Use higher rate for trees over 6 m in height. Refer to label for specific REI's for thinning activities. Do no apply this product within 10 days of an oil application as it may cause burning to flowers and leaf tissue.
Notes: Brown rot infection begins at bloom. Protect blossoms if weather is wet. Rotate fungicides for resistance management.
1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.
Stage of Development: Summer |
Recommended Product Choices | Grp1 |
Amount per |
REI2 |
PHI3 (days) |
Precautions and Notes |
Ha |
Acre... |
| | | | | | |
fenbuconazole (Indar) 27294 | 3 | 140 g | 57 g | 12 h | 1 | Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Princeton, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups. |
fenhexamid (Elevate) 25900 | 17 | 1.7 kg | 690 g | 4 h | 1 | Do not apply more than 2 consecutive applications. |
boscalid (Cantus) 30141 | 7 | 370 g | 150 g | 12 h | 0 | Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications. |
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 30331 | 7 | 1.0-1.75 L | 405-709 mL | 12 h | 0 | Do not apply more than 2 times per season. Use high rate for high disease pressure. |
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 27985 | 7 + 11 | 750 g - 1 kg | 300 g - 405 g | dry - 10 days | 0 | Also suppresses powdery mildew. Limit sprays of class 11 fungicides to 2 per season for resistance management. |
myclobutanil (Nova 40WP) 22399 | 3 | 340 g | 140 g | 12 h - 12 days | 1 | Limit use of Group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Topas, Jade, Tilt, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups. 12 days REI for thinning. |
captan (Captan Supra 33641, Maestro 33488) | M4 | 3.75 - 4.5 kg | 1.5 - 1.8 kg | 48 h | 2 | |
metconazole (Quash 30402) | 3 | 175 - 280 g | 71 - 113 g | 12 h - 9 days | 14 | For fruit brown rot apply 14-21 days before harvest. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning. |
Isofetamid (Kenja) 31758 | 7 | 913 ml | 369 ml | 12 hrs | 1 | Suppression only. Apply with a silicone surfactant. Do not apply more than 2 consecutive Group 7 applications. Maximum of 3 applications per year. |
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107 | 7+11 | 300-400 mL | 121-162 mL | 12 h | 1 day | Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season. |
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405 | 3 | 0.25 - 0.375 L | 0.1 - 0.15 L | 12 hours | 0 | Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development. |
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206 | 7 + 3 | 1 L | 405 ml | 12 hours | 0 days | Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days. |
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951 | 7 + 11 | 0.3 - 0.4 L | 0.12 - 0.16 L | 12 h - 12 days | 1 day (hand harvest) | Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours. |
Notes: Fruit becomes increasingly susceptible to brown rot as it ripens. Rotate fungicides for resistance management. Follow pre-harvest intervals. |
Stage of Development: Summer
fenbuconazole (Indar) 27294
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
140 g |
Acre |
57 g |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Princeton, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups.
fenhexamid (Elevate) 25900
Grp1 |
17 |
Ha |
1.7 kg |
Acre |
690 g |
REI2 |
4 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply more than 2 consecutive applications.
boscalid (Cantus) 30141
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
370 g |
Acre |
150 g |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications.
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 30331
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
1.0-1.75 L |
Acre |
405-709 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply more than 2 times per season. Use high rate for high disease pressure.
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 27985
Grp1 |
7 + 11 |
Ha |
750 g - 1 kg |
Acre |
300 g - 405 g |
REI2 |
dry – 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Also suppresses powdery mildew. Limit sprays of class 11 fungicides to 2 per season for resistance management.
myclobutanil (Nova 40WP) 22399
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
340 g |
Acre |
140 g |
REI2 |
12 h – 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Limit use of Group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Topas, Jade, Tilt, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups. 12 days REI for thinning.
Grp1 |
Ha |
500 mL |
Acre |
200 mL |
REI2 |
PHI2 (days) |
3 |
Precautions and Notes
Limit use of Group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Topas,Jade, Tilt, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups.
captan (Captan Supra 33641, Maestro 33488)
Grp1 |
M4 |
Ha |
3.75 - 4.5 kg |
Acre |
1.5 - 1.8 kg |
REI2 |
24 h - 29 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
2 |
Precautions and Notes
metconazole (Quash 30402)
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
175 - 280 g |
Acre |
71 - 113 g |
REI2 |
12 h - 9 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
14 |
Precautions and Notes
For fruit brown rot apply 14-21 days before harvest. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning.
Isofetamid (Kenja) 31758
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
913 ml |
Acre |
369 ml |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Suppression only. Apply with a silicone surfactant. Do not apply more than 2 consecutive Group 7 applications. Maximum of 3 applications per year.
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107
Grp1 |
7+11 |
Ha |
300-400 mL |
Acre |
121-162 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day |
Precautions and Notes
Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season.
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
0.25 - 0.375 L |
Acre |
0.1 - 0.15 L |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development.
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206
Grp1 |
7 + 3 |
Ha |
1 L |
Acre |
405 ml |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 days |
Precautions and Notes
Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days.
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951
Grp1 |
7 + 11 |
Ha |
0.3 - 0.4 L |
Acre |
0.12 - 0.16 L |
REI2 |
12 h - 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day (hand harvest) |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours.
Notes: Fruit becomes increasingly susceptible to brown rot as it ripens. Rotate fungicides for resistance management. Follow pre-harvest intervals.
1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.
Stage of Development: Fall |
Recommended Product Choices | Grp1 |
Amount per |
REI2 |
PHI3 (days) |
Precautions and Notes |
Ha |
Acre... |
| | | | | | |
chlorothalonil (Bravo ZNC) 33515 | M5 | 5 - 7 L | 2.0 - 2.83 L | | 60 days | Use higher rate for trees over 6 m in height. Refer to label for specific REI's for thinning activities. |
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206 | 7 + 3 | 1 L | 405 ml | 12 hours | 0 days | Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days. |
Stage of Development: Fall
chlorothalonil (Bravo ZNC) 33515
Grp1 |
M5 |
Ha |
5 - 7 L |
Acre |
2.0 - 2.83 L |
REI2 |
12 h - 11 days* |
PHI2 (days) |
60 days |
Precautions and Notes
Use higher rate for trees over 6 m in height. Refer to label for specific REI's for thinning activities.
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206
Grp1 |
7 + 3 |
Ha |
1 L |
Acre |
405 ml |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 days |
Precautions and Notes
Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days.
1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.
Stage of Development: Pink |
Recommended Product Choices | Grp1 |
Amount per |
REI2 |
PHI3 (days) |
Precautions and Notes |
Ha |
Acre... |
| | | | | | |
fluxapyroxad (Sercadis) 31697 | 7 | 333 mL | 135 mL | 12 h | 0 | The use of a non-ionic surfactant (0.125%) is recommended. Begin treatment when conditions favour disease development. Apply a second spray 7-14 days up to blossom if conditions for disease development persist. Maximum amount per season: 1 L/ha (405 mL/acre). Maximum 3 applications per season. |
metconazole (Quash 30402) | 3 | 175 - 245 g | 71 - 99 g | 12 h - 9 days | 14 | Use in rotation with fungicides from other groups from pink to petal fall. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning. |
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107 | 7+11 | 300-400 mL | 121-162 mL | 12 h | 1 day | Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season. |
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405 | 3 | 0.25 - 0.375 L | 0.1 - 0.15 L | 12 hours | 0 | Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development. |
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206 | 7 + 3 | 1 L | 405 ml | 12 hours | 0 days | Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days. |
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951 | 7 + 11 | 0.3 - 0.4 L | 0.12 - 0.16 L | 12 h - 12 days | 1 day (hand harvest) | Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours. |
BLAD polypeptide (ProBlad) 34050 | BM-01 | 1.5 - 3.3 L | 0.61 - 1.33 L | | 0 | Make application in the month before harvest on a 7 to 10 day preventive schedule when conditions favour disease development. |
Stage of Development: Pink
fluxapyroxad (Sercadis) 31697
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
333 mL |
Acre |
135 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
The use of a non-ionic surfactant (0.125%) is recommended. Begin treatment when conditions favour disease development. Apply a second spray 7-14 days up to blossom if conditions for disease development persist. Maximum amount per season: 1 L/ha (405 mL/acre). Maximum 3 applications per season.
Grp1 |
Ha |
1.5-3.3 L |
Acre |
0.6-1.3 L |
REI2 |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Suppression only. Use preventatively at pink, full bloom and petal fall. Maximum 3 applications/season.
metconazole (Quash 30402)
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
175 - 245 g |
Acre |
71 - 99 g |
REI2 |
12 h - 9 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
14 |
Precautions and Notes
Use in rotation with fungicides from other groups from pink to petal fall. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning.
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107
Grp1 |
7+11 |
Ha |
300-400 mL |
Acre |
121-162 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day |
Precautions and Notes
Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season.
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
0.25 - 0.375 L |
Acre |
0.1 - 0.15 L |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development.
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206
Grp1 |
7 + 3 |
Ha |
1 L |
Acre |
405 ml |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 days |
Precautions and Notes
Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days.
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951
Grp1 |
7 + 11 |
Ha |
0.3 - 0.4 L |
Acre |
0.12 - 0.16 L |
REI2 |
12 h - 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day (hand harvest) |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours.
BLAD polypeptide (ProBlad) 34050
Grp1 |
BM-01 |
Ha |
1.5 - 3.3 L |
Acre |
0.61 - 1.33 L |
REI2 |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Make application in the month before harvest on a 7 to 10 day preventive schedule when conditions favour disease development.
1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.
Stage of Development: Blossom |
Recommended Product Choices | Grp1 |
Amount per |
REI2 |
PHI3 (days) |
Precautions and Notes |
Ha |
Acre... |
| | | | | | |
captan (Captan Supra 33641, Maestro 33488) | M4 | 3.75 - 4.5 kg | 1.5 - 1.8 kg | 48 h | 2 | Do not apply in combination with or immediately before or after oil sprays. |
fenhexamid (Elevate) 25900 | 17 | 1.7 kg | 690 g | 4 h | 1 | Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications. |
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 30331 | 7 | 1.0- 1.75 L | 405- 709 mL | 12 h | 0 | Do not apply more than 2 times per season. Use high rate for high disease pressure. Use a minimum rate of 1.25L/ha to also control botrytis. |
boscalid (Cantus) 30141 | 7 | 370 g | 150 g | 12 h | 0 | Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications. |
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 27985 | 7 + 11 | 750 g - 1 kg | 304 g - 405 g | dry- 10 days | 0 | Limit sprays of class 11 fungicides (Flint, Cabrio, Pristine) to 2 per season for resistance management. 10 days REI for thinning. |
fenbuconazole (Indar) 27294 | 3 | 140 g | 57 g | 12 h | 1 | Caution- mildew resistance to group 3 fungicides may be developing. Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Princeton, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups. |
triforine (Funginex) 27686 | 3 | 2.5 L | 1 L | 48 h | See notes | Do not apply after bloom. |
thiophanate-methyl (Senator 50SC) 32096 | 1 | 2.45 L | 1 L | 24 h* | 1 | Maximum 2 applications/season |
Bacillus subtilis (Serenade Opti) 31666 | 44 | 1.1-1.7 kg | 445-688 g | 24 h* | 0 | Suppression only. Begin at early bloom and repeat at 7 day intervals through petal fall. |
myclobutanil (Nova 40WP) 22399 | 3 | 340 g | 140 g | 12 h - 12 days | 1 | Caution - mildew resistance to Group 3 fungicides may be developing. Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Topas, Jade, Tilt, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from others groups. 12 days REI for thinning. |
copper octanoate (Cueva Commercial) 31825 | M1 | Prepare 0.5-2% solution (5-20 L/1000 L water) | | 4 h | 1 | Apply 470-940 L of mixture/ha (190-380 L/acre) at delayed dormant (bud swell), popcorn, full bloom and petal fall stages for blossom blight control.
fluxapyroxad (Sercadis) 31697 | 7 | 333 mL | 135 mL | 12 h | 0 | The use of a non-ionic surfactant (0.125 % v/v) is recommended. |
metconazole (Quash 30402) | 3 | 175 - 245 g | 71 - 99 g | 12 h - 9 days | 14 | Use in rotation with fungicides from other groups from pink to petal fall. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning. |
Isofetamid (Kenja) 31758 | 7 | 913 ml | 369 ml | 12 hrs | 1 | Suppression only. Apply with a silicone surfactant. Do not apply more than 2 consecutive Group 7 applications. Maximum of 3 applications per year. |
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107 | 7+11 | 300-400 mL | 121-162 mL | 12 h | 1 day | Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season. |
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405 | 3 | 0.25 - 0.375 L | 0.1 - 0.15 L | 12 hours | 0 | Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development. |
chlorothalonil (Bravo ZNC) 33515 | M5 | 5 - 7 L | 2.0 - 2.83 L | | 40 days | Do not apply Bravo after shuck split. Use higher rate for trees over 6 m in height. Refer to label for specific REI's for thinning activities. |
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206 | 7 + 3 | 1 L | 405 ml | 12 hours | 0 days | Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days. |
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951 | 7 + 11 | 0.3 - 0.4 L | 0.12 - 0.16 L | 12 h - 12 days | 1 day (hand harvest) | Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours. |
propiconazole (Princeton) 33840 | 3 | 300 ml | 121 ml | 4 hr to 3 days | 3 days | Limit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management. |
chlorothalonil (Echo) 33479 | M5 | 3.5 - 6.3 L | 1.4 - 2.5 L | 12 hr - 8 days | 40 | Do not apply Echo after shuck split. Use higher rate for trees over 6 m in height. Refer to label for specific REI's for thinning activities. |
Notes: Brown rot infection begins at bloom. Protect blossoms if weather is wet. Rotate fungicides for resistance management. |
Stage of Development: Blossom
captan (Captan Supra 33641, Maestro 33488)
Grp1 |
M4 |
Ha |
3.75 - 4.5 kg |
Acre |
1.5 - 1.8 kg |
REI2 |
24 h - 29 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
2 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply in combination with or immediately before or after oil sprays.
fenhexamid (Elevate) 25900
Grp1 |
17 |
Ha |
1.7 kg |
Acre |
690 g |
REI2 |
4 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications.
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 30331
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
1.0- 1.75 L |
Acre |
405- 709 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply more than 2 times per season. Use high rate for high disease pressure. Use a minimum rate of 1.25L/ha to also control botrytis.
boscalid (Cantus) 30141
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
370 g |
Acre |
150 g |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications.
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 27985
Grp1 |
7 + 11 |
Ha |
750 g - 1 kg |
Acre |
304 g - 405 g |
REI2 |
dry – 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of class 11 fungicides (Flint, Cabrio, Pristine) to 2 per season for resistance management. 10 days REI for thinning.
fenbuconazole (Indar) 27294
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
140 g |
Acre |
57 g |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Caution- mildew resistance to group 3 fungicides may be developing. Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Princeton, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups.
Grp1 |
Ha |
500 mL |
Acre |
200 mL |
REI2 |
PHI2 (days) |
3 |
Precautions and Notes
Caution- mildew resistance to group 3 fungicides may be developing. Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Topas, Jade, Tilt, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups.
triforine (Funginex) 27686
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
2.5 L |
Acre |
1 L |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
See notes |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply after bloom.
Grp1 |
Ha |
5.0- 9.0 L |
Acre |
2.0- 3.6 L |
REI2 |
PHI2 (days) |
40 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply Bravo after shuck split. Use higher rate for trees over 6 m in height. Refer to label for specific REI's for thinning activities.
thiophanate-methyl (Senator 50SC) 32096
Grp1 |
1 |
Ha |
2.45 L |
Acre |
1 L |
REI2 |
12 h - 7 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Maximum 2 applications/season
Bacillus subtilis (Serenade Opti) 31666
Grp1 |
44 |
Ha |
1.1-1.7 kg |
Acre |
445-688 g |
REI2 |
4 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Suppression only. Begin at early bloom and repeat at 7 day intervals through petal fall.
myclobutanil (Nova 40WP) 22399
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
340 g |
Acre |
140 g |
REI2 |
12 h – 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Caution - mildew resistance to Group 3 fungicides may be developing. Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Topas, Jade, Tilt, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from others groups. 12 days REI for thinning.
copper octanoate (Cueva Commercial) 31825
Grp1 |
M1 |
Ha |
Prepare 0.5-2% solution (5-20 L/1000 L water) |
Acre |
REI2 |
4 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Apply 470-940 L of mixture/ha (190-380 L/acre) at delayed dormant (bud swell), popcorn, full bloom and petal fall stages for blossom blight control.
fluxapyroxad (Sercadis) 31697
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
333 mL |
Acre |
135 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
The use of a non-ionic surfactant (0.125 % v/v) is recommended.
metconazole (Quash 30402)
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
175 - 245 g |
Acre |
71 - 99 g |
REI2 |
12 h - 9 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
14 |
Precautions and Notes
Use in rotation with fungicides from other groups from pink to petal fall. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning.
Isofetamid (Kenja) 31758
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
913 ml |
Acre |
369 ml |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Suppression only. Apply with a silicone surfactant. Do not apply more than 2 consecutive Group 7 applications. Maximum of 3 applications per year.
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107
Grp1 |
7+11 |
Ha |
300-400 mL |
Acre |
121-162 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day |
Precautions and Notes
Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season.
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
0.25 - 0.375 L |
Acre |
0.1 - 0.15 L |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development.
chlorothalonil (Bravo ZNC) 33515
Grp1 |
M5 |
Ha |
5 - 7 L |
Acre |
2.0 - 2.83 L |
REI2 |
12 h - 11 days* |
PHI2 (days) |
40 days |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply Bravo after shuck split. Use higher rate for trees over 6 m in height. Refer to label for specific REI's for thinning activities.
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206
Grp1 |
7 + 3 |
Ha |
1 L |
Acre |
405 ml |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 days |
Precautions and Notes
Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days.
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951
Grp1 |
7 + 11 |
Ha |
0.3 - 0.4 L |
Acre |
0.12 - 0.16 L |
REI2 |
12 h - 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day (hand harvest) |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours.
propiconazole (Princeton) 33840
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
300 ml |
Acre |
121 ml |
REI2 |
4 h to 3 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
3 days |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management.
chlorothalonil (Echo) 33479
Grp1 |
M5 |
Ha |
3.5 - 6.3 L |
Acre |
1.4 - 2.5 L |
REI2 |
12 h to 11 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
40 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply Echo after shuck split. Use higher rate for trees over 6 m in height. Refer to label for specific REI's for thinning activities.
Notes: Brown rot infection begins at bloom. Protect blossoms if weather is wet. Rotate fungicides for resistance management.
1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.
Stage of Development: Petal Fall to Husk Fall |
Recommended Product Choices | Grp1 |
Amount per |
REI2 |
PHI3 (days) |
Precautions and Notes |
Ha |
Acre... |
| | | | | | |
fenhexamid (Elevate) 25900 | 17 | 1.7 kg | 690 g | 4 h | 1 | Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications. |
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 30331 | 7 | 1.0-1.75 L | 405-709 mL | 12 h | 0 | Do not apply more than 2 times per season. Use high rate for high disease pressure. |
boscalid (Cantus) 30141 | 7 | 370 g | 150 g | 12 h | 0 | Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications. |
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 27985 | 7 + 11 | 750g - 1 kg | 304 g - 405 g | dry - 10 days | 0 | Limit sprays of class 11 fungicides (Flint, Cabrio, Pristine) to 2 per season for resistance management. 10 days REI for thinning. |
fenbuconazole (Indar) 27294 | 3 | 140 g | 57 g | 12 h | 1 | Caution - mildew resistance may be developing to group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Princeton, Quash) so apply maximum 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups. |
Bacillus subtilis (Serenade Opti) 31666 | 44 | 1.1-1.7 kg | 445-688 g | 24 h* | 0 | Suppression only. Begin at early bloom and repeat at 7 day intervals through petal fall. |
captan (Captan Supra 33641, Maestro 33488) | M4 | 3.75 - 4.5 kg | 1.5 - 1.8 kg | 48 h | 2 | |
myclobutanil (Nova 40WP) 22399 | 3 | 340 g | 140 g | 12 h - 12 days | 1 | Caution - mildew resistance may be developing. Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Topas, Jade, Tilt, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. 12 days REI for thinning. |
metconazole (Quash 30402) | 3 | 175 - 245 g | 71 - 99 g | 12 h - 9 days | 14 | Use in rotation with fungicides from other groups from pink to petal fall. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning. |
Isofetamid (Kenja) 31758 | 7 | 913 ml | 369 ml | 12 hrs | 1 | Suppression only. Apply with a silicone surfactant. Do not apply more than 2 consecutive Group 7 applications. Maximum of 3 applications per year. |
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107 | 7+11 | 300-400 mL | 121-162 mL | 12 h | 1 day | Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season. |
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405 | 3 | 0.25 - 0.375 L | 0.1 - 0.15 L | 12 hours | 0 | Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development. |
chlorothalonil (Bravo ZNC) 33515 | M5 | 5 - 7 L | 2.0 - 2.83 L | | 40 days | Do not apply Bravo after shuck split. Use higher rate for trees over 6 m in height. Refer to label for specific REI's for thinning activities. |
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206 | 7 + 3 | 1 L | 405 ml | 12 hours | 0 days | Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days. |
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951 | 7 + 11 | 0.3 - 0.4 L | 0.12 - 0.16 L | 12 h - 12 days | 1 day (hand harvest) | Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours. |
propiconazole (Princeton) 33840 | 3 | 300 ml | 121 ml | 4 hr to 3 days | 3 days | Limit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management. |
chlorothalonil (Echo) 33479 | M5 | 3.5 - 6.3 L | 1.4 - 2.5 L | 12 hr - 8 days | 40 | Do not apply Echo after shuck split. Use higher rate for trees over 6 m in height. Refer to label for specific REI's for thinning activities. |
Notes: Brown rot infection begins at bloom. Protect blossoms if weather is wet. Rotate fungicides for resistance management. If botrytis fruit rot has been a problem, select fungicides that also control botrytis (e.g. Elevate, Cantus, Pristine, Captan, Rovral, Bravo, Kenja). |
Stage of Development: Petal Fall to Husk Fall
fenhexamid (Elevate) 25900
Grp1 |
17 |
Ha |
1.7 kg |
Acre |
690 g |
REI2 |
4 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications.
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 30331
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
1.0-1.75 L |
Acre |
405-709 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply more than 2 times per season. Use high rate for high disease pressure.
boscalid (Cantus) 30141
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
370 g |
Acre |
150 g |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications.
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 27985
Grp1 |
7 + 11 |
Ha |
750g - 1 kg |
Acre |
304 g - 405 g |
REI2 |
dry – 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of class 11 fungicides (Flint, Cabrio, Pristine) to 2 per season for resistance management. 10 days REI for thinning.
fenbuconazole (Indar) 27294
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
140 g |
Acre |
57 g |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Caution - mildew resistance may be developing to group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Princeton, Quash) so apply maximum 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups.
Grp1 |
Ha |
5.0-9.0 L |
Acre |
2.0-3.6 L |
REI2 |
PHI2 (days) |
40 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply Bravo after shuck split. Use higher rate for trees over 6 m in height. Refer to label for specific REI's for thinning activities.
Bacillus subtilis (Serenade Opti) 31666
Grp1 |
44 |
Ha |
1.1-1.7 kg |
Acre |
445-688 g |
REI2 |
4 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Suppression only. Begin at early bloom and repeat at 7 day intervals through petal fall.
captan (Captan Supra 33641, Maestro 33488)
Grp1 |
M4 |
Ha |
3.75 - 4.5 kg |
Acre |
1.5 - 1.8 kg |
REI2 |
24 h - 29 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
2 |
Precautions and Notes
myclobutanil (Nova 40WP) 22399
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
340 g |
Acre |
140 g |
REI2 |
12 h – 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Caution - mildew resistance may be developing. Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Topas, Jade, Tilt, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. 12 days REI for thinning.
Grp1 |
Ha |
500 mL |
Acre |
200 mL |
REI2 |
PHI2 (days) |
3 |
Precautions and Notes
Caution - mildew resistance may be developing. Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Topas, Jade, Tilt, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from other groups for resistance management.
metconazole (Quash 30402)
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
175 - 245 g |
Acre |
71 - 99 g |
REI2 |
12 h - 9 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
14 |
Precautions and Notes
Use in rotation with fungicides from other groups from pink to petal fall. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning.
Isofetamid (Kenja) 31758
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
913 ml |
Acre |
369 ml |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Suppression only. Apply with a silicone surfactant. Do not apply more than 2 consecutive Group 7 applications. Maximum of 3 applications per year.
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107
Grp1 |
7+11 |
Ha |
300-400 mL |
Acre |
121-162 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day |
Precautions and Notes
Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season.
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
0.25 - 0.375 L |
Acre |
0.1 - 0.15 L |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development.
chlorothalonil (Bravo ZNC) 33515
Grp1 |
M5 |
Ha |
5 - 7 L |
Acre |
2.0 - 2.83 L |
REI2 |
12 h - 11 days* |
PHI2 (days) |
40 days |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply Bravo after shuck split. Use higher rate for trees over 6 m in height. Refer to label for specific REI's for thinning activities.
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206
Grp1 |
7 + 3 |
Ha |
1 L |
Acre |
405 ml |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 days |
Precautions and Notes
Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days.
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951
Grp1 |
7 + 11 |
Ha |
0.3 - 0.4 L |
Acre |
0.12 - 0.16 L |
REI2 |
12 h - 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day (hand harvest) |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours.
propiconazole (Princeton) 33840
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
300 ml |
Acre |
121 ml |
REI2 |
4 h to 3 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
3 days |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management.
chlorothalonil (Echo) 33479
Grp1 |
M5 |
Ha |
3.5 - 6.3 L |
Acre |
1.4 - 2.5 L |
REI2 |
12 h to 11 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
40 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply Echo after shuck split. Use higher rate for trees over 6 m in height. Refer to label for specific REI's for thinning activities.
Notes: Brown rot infection begins at bloom. Protect blossoms if weather is wet. Rotate fungicides for resistance management. If botrytis fruit rot has been a problem, select fungicides that also control botrytis (e.g. Elevate, Cantus, Pristine, Captan, Rovral, Bravo, Kenja).
1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.
Stage of Development: Summer |
Recommended Product Choices | Grp1 |
Amount per |
REI2 |
PHI3 (days) |
Precautions and Notes |
Ha |
Acre... |
| | | | | | |
fenhexamid (Elevate) 25900 | 17 | 1.7 kg | 690 g | 4 h | 1 | Do not apply more than 2 consecutive applications. |
boscalid (Cantus) 30141 | 7 | 370 g | 150 g | 12 h | 0 | Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications. |
fenbuconazole (Indar) 27294 | 3 | 140 g | 57 g | 12 h | 1 | Caution - mildew resistance to group 3 fungicides may be developing. Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Princeton, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups. |
myclobutanil (Nova 40WP) 22399 | 3 | 340 g | 140 g | 12 h-12 days | 1 | Caution - mildew resistance to group 3 fungicides may be developing. Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Topas, Jade, Tilt, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups. 12 days REI for thinning. |
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 27985 | 7 + 11 | 750 g - 1 kg | 304 - 405 mL | dry - 10 days | 0 | Limit sprays of Class 11 fungicides (Flint, Cabrio, Prisitine) to 2 per season for resistance management. |
captan (Captan Supra 33641, Maestro 33488) | M4 | 3.75 - 4.5 kg | 1.5 - 1.8 kg | 48 h | 2 | |
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 30331 | 7 | 1.0-1.75 L | 405-709 mL | 12 h | 0 | Do not apply more than 2 times/season. Use high rate for high disease pressure. Use minimum of 1.25 L/ha to also control botrytis. |
metconazole (Quash 30402) | 3 | 175 - 280 g | 71 - 113 g | 12 h - 9 days | 14 | For fruit brown rot apply 14-21 days before harvest. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning. |
Isofetamid (Kenja) 31758 | 7 | 913 ml | 369 ml | 12 hrs | 1 | Suppression only. Apply with a silicone surfactant. Do not apply more than 2 consecutive Group 7 applications. Maximum of 3 applications per year. |
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107 | 7+11 | 300-400 mL | 121-162 mL | 12 h | 1 day | Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season. |
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405 | 3 | 0.25 - 0.375 L | 0.1 - 0.15 L | 12 hours | 0 | Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development. |
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206 | 7 + 3 | 1 L | 405 ml | 12 hours | 0 days | Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days. |
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951 | 7 + 11 | 0.3 - 0.4 L | 0.12 - 0.16 L | 12 h - 12 days | 1 day (hand harvest) | Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours. |
Notes: Fruit becomes increasingly susceptible to brown rot as it ripens. Rotate fungicides for resistance management. Follow pre-harvest intervals. |
Stage of Development: Summer
fenhexamid (Elevate) 25900
Grp1 |
17 |
Ha |
1.7 kg |
Acre |
690 g |
REI2 |
4 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply more than 2 consecutive applications.
boscalid (Cantus) 30141
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
370 g |
Acre |
150 g |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications.
fenbuconazole (Indar) 27294
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
140 g |
Acre |
57 g |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Caution - mildew resistance to group 3 fungicides may be developing. Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Princeton, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups.
myclobutanil (Nova 40WP) 22399
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
340 g |
Acre |
140 g |
REI2 |
12 h – 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Caution - mildew resistance to group 3 fungicides may be developing. Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Topas, Jade, Tilt, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups. 12 days REI for thinning.
Grp1 |
Ha |
500 mL |
Acre |
200 mL |
REI2 |
PHI2 (days) |
3 |
Precautions and Notes
Caution - mildew resistance to Group 3 fungicides may be developing. Limit use of Group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Topas, Jade, Tilt, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups.
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 27985
Grp1 |
7 + 11 |
Ha |
750 g - 1 kg |
Acre |
304 - 405 mL |
REI2 |
dry – 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of Class 11 fungicides (Flint, Cabrio, Prisitine) to 2 per season for resistance management.
captan (Captan Supra 33641, Maestro 33488)
Grp1 |
M4 |
Ha |
3.75 - 4.5 kg |
Acre |
1.5 - 1.8 kg |
REI2 |
24 h - 29 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
2 |
Precautions and Notes
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 30331
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
1.0-1.75 L |
Acre |
405-709 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply more than 2 times/season. Use high rate for high disease pressure. Use minimum of 1.25 L/ha to also control botrytis.
metconazole (Quash 30402)
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
175 - 280 g |
Acre |
71 - 113 g |
REI2 |
12 h - 9 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
14 |
Precautions and Notes
For fruit brown rot apply 14-21 days before harvest. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning.
Isofetamid (Kenja) 31758
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
913 ml |
Acre |
369 ml |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Suppression only. Apply with a silicone surfactant. Do not apply more than 2 consecutive Group 7 applications. Maximum of 3 applications per year.
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107
Grp1 |
7+11 |
Ha |
300-400 mL |
Acre |
121-162 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day |
Precautions and Notes
Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season.
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
0.25 - 0.375 L |
Acre |
0.1 - 0.15 L |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development.
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206
Grp1 |
7 + 3 |
Ha |
1 L |
Acre |
405 ml |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 days |
Precautions and Notes
Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days.
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951
Grp1 |
7 + 11 |
Ha |
0.3 - 0.4 L |
Acre |
0.12 - 0.16 L |
REI2 |
12 h - 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day (hand harvest) |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours.
Notes: Fruit becomes increasingly susceptible to brown rot as it ripens. Rotate fungicides for resistance management. Follow pre-harvest intervals.
1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.
Stage of Development: Pink |
Recommended Product Choices | Grp1 |
Amount per |
REI2 |
PHI3 (days) |
Precautions and Notes |
Ha |
Acre... |
| | | | | | |
fluxapyroxad (Sercadis) 31697 | 7 | 333 mL | 135 mL | 12 h | 0 | The use of a non-ionic surfactant (0.125%) is recommended. Begin treatment when conditions favour disease development. Apply a second spray 7-14 days up to blossom if conditions for disease development persist. Maximum amount per season: 1 L/ha (405 mL/acre). Maximum 3 applications per season. |
metconazole (Quash 30402) | 3 | 175 - 245 g | 71 - 99 g | 12 h - 9 days | 14 | Do not apply to 'Stanley' type plums. Use in rotation with fungicides from other groups from pink to petal fall. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning. |
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107 | 7+11 | 300-400 mL | 121-162 mL | 12 h | 1 day | Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season. |
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405 | 3 | 0.25 - 0.375 L | 0.1 - 0.15 L | 12 hours | 0 | Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development. |
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206 | 7 + 3 | 1 L | 405 ml | 12 hours | 0 days | Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days. |
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951 | 7 + 11 | 0.3 - 0.4 L | 0.12 - 0.16 L | 12 h - 12 days | 1 day (hand harvest) | Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours. |
BLAD polypeptide (ProBlad) 34050 | BM-01 | 1.5 - 3.3 L | 0.61 - 1.33 L | | 0 | Make application in the month before harvest on a 7 to 10 day preventive schedule when conditions favour disease development. |
Stage of Development: Pink
fluxapyroxad (Sercadis) 31697
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
333 mL |
Acre |
135 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
The use of a non-ionic surfactant (0.125%) is recommended. Begin treatment when conditions favour disease development. Apply a second spray 7-14 days up to blossom if conditions for disease development persist. Maximum amount per season: 1 L/ha (405 mL/acre). Maximum 3 applications per season.
Grp1 |
Ha |
1.5-3.3 L |
Acre |
0.6-1.3 L |
REI2 |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Suppression only. Use preventatively at pink, full bloom and petal fall. Maximum 3 applications/season.
metconazole (Quash 30402)
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
175 - 245 g |
Acre |
71 - 99 g |
REI2 |
12 h - 9 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
14 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply to 'Stanley' type plums. Use in rotation with fungicides from other groups from pink to petal fall. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning.
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107
Grp1 |
7+11 |
Ha |
300-400 mL |
Acre |
121-162 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day |
Precautions and Notes
Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season.
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
0.25 - 0.375 L |
Acre |
0.1 - 0.15 L |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development.
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206
Grp1 |
7 + 3 |
Ha |
1 L |
Acre |
405 ml |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 days |
Precautions and Notes
Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days.
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951
Grp1 |
7 + 11 |
Ha |
0.3 - 0.4 L |
Acre |
0.12 - 0.16 L |
REI2 |
12 h - 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day (hand harvest) |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours.
BLAD polypeptide (ProBlad) 34050
Grp1 |
BM-01 |
Ha |
1.5 - 3.3 L |
Acre |
0.61 - 1.33 L |
REI2 |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Make application in the month before harvest on a 7 to 10 day preventive schedule when conditions favour disease development.
1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.
Stage of Development: Blossom |
Recommended Product Choices | Grp1 |
Amount per |
REI2 |
PHI3 (days) |
Precautions and Notes |
Ha |
Acre... |
| | | | | | |
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 30331 | 7 | 1.0-1.75 L | 405-709 mL | 12 h | 0 | Do not apply more than 2 times per season. Use high rate for high disease pressure. |
boscalid (Cantus) 30141 | 7 | 370 g | 150 g | 12 h | 0 | Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications. |
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 27985 | 7 + 11 | 750g - 1 kg | 304 g - 405 g | dry - 10 days | 0 | Limit sprays of class 11 fungicides to 2 per season for resistance management. 10 days REI for thinning. |
thiophanate-methyl (Senator 50SC) 32096 | 1 | 2.45 L | 1 L | 24 h* | 1 | May harm predatory mites. Maximum 2 applications per season. |
fenbuconazole (Indar) 27294 | 3 | 140 g | 57 g | 12 h | 1 | Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Princeton, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups. |
triforine (Funginex) 27686 | 3 | 2.5 L | 1 L | 48 h | See notes | Do not apply after blossom. |
Bacillus subtilis (Serenade Opti) 31666 | 44 | 1.1-1.7 kg | 445-688 g | 24 h* | 0 | Suppression only. Begin at early bloom and repeat at 7 day intervals through petal fall. |
captan (Captan Supra 33641, Maestro 33488) | M4 | 3.75 - 4.5 kg | 1.5 - 1.8 kg | 48 h | 2 | Do not apply in combination with or immediately before or after oil sprays. |
copper octanoate (Cueva Commercial) 31825 | M1 | Prepare 0.5-2% solution (5-20 L/1000 L water) | | 4 h | 1 | Apply 470-940 L of mixture/ha (190-380 L/acre) at delayed dormant (bud swell), popcorn, full bloom and petal fall stages for blossom blight control. |
fluxapyroxad (Sercadis) 31697 | 7 | 333 mL | 135 mL | 12 h | 0 | The use of a non-ionic surfactant (0.125 % v/v) is recommended. |
metconazole (Quash 30402) | 3 | 175 - 245 g | 70 - 100 g | 12 h - 9 days | | Do not apply to 'Stanley' type plums. Use in rotation with fungicides from other groups from pink to petal fall. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning. |
Isofetamid (Kenja) 31758 | 7 | 913 ml | 369 ml | 12 hrs | 1 | Suppression only. Apply with a silicone surfactant. Do not apply more than 2 consecutive Group 7 applications. Maximum of 3 applications per year. |
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107 | 7+11 | 300-400 mL | 121-162 mL | 12 h | 1 day | Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season. |
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405 | 3 | 0.25 - 0.375 L | 0.1 - 0.15 L | 12 hours | 0 | Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development. |
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206 | 7 + 3 | 1 L | 405 ml | 12 hours | 0 days | Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days. |
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951 | 7 + 11 | 0.3 - 0.4 L | 0.12 - 0.16 L | 12 h - 12 days | 1 day (hand harvest) | Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours. |
propiconazole (Princeton) 33840 | 3 | 300 ml | 121 ml | 4 hr to 3 days | 3 days | Limit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management. |
Notes: Brown rot infection begins at bloom. Protect blossoms if weather is wet. Rotate fungicides for resistance management. |
Stage of Development: Blossom
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 30331
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
1.0-1.75 L |
Acre |
405-709 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply more than 2 times per season. Use high rate for high disease pressure.
boscalid (Cantus) 30141
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
370 g |
Acre |
150 g |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications.
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 27985
Grp1 |
7 + 11 |
Ha |
750g - 1 kg |
Acre |
304 g - 405 g |
REI2 |
dry – 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of class 11 fungicides to 2 per season for resistance management. 10 days REI for thinning.
thiophanate-methyl (Senator 50SC) 32096
Grp1 |
1 |
Ha |
2.45 L |
Acre |
1 L |
REI2 |
12 h - 7 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
May harm predatory mites. Maximum 2 applications per season.
fenbuconazole (Indar) 27294
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
140 g |
Acre |
57 g |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Nova, Princeton, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups.
Grp1 |
Ha |
500 mL |
Acre |
200 mL |
REI2 |
PHI2 (days) |
3 |
Precautions and Notes
Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Topas, Jade, Tilt, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups.
triforine (Funginex) 27686
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
2.5 L |
Acre |
1 L |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
See notes |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply after blossom.
Grp1 |
Ha |
370 g |
Acre |
150 g |
REI2 |
PHI2 (days) |
2 |
Precautions and Notes
Maximum 2 applications to blossom stage.
Bacillus subtilis (Serenade Opti) 31666
Grp1 |
44 |
Ha |
1.1-1.7 kg |
Acre |
445-688 g |
REI2 |
4 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Suppression only. Begin at early bloom and repeat at 7 day intervals through petal fall.
captan (Captan Supra 33641, Maestro 33488)
Grp1 |
M4 |
Ha |
3.75 - 4.5 kg |
Acre |
1.5 - 1.8 kg |
REI2 |
24 h - 29 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
2 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply in combination with or immediately before or after oil sprays.
copper octanoate (Cueva Commercial) 31825
Grp1 |
M1 |
Ha |
Prepare 0.5-2% solution (5-20 L/1000 L water) |
Acre |
REI2 |
4 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Apply 470-940 L of mixture/ha (190-380 L/acre) at delayed dormant (bud swell), popcorn, full bloom and petal fall stages for blossom blight control.
fluxapyroxad (Sercadis) 31697
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
333 mL |
Acre |
135 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
The use of a non-ionic surfactant (0.125 % v/v) is recommended.
metconazole (Quash 30402)
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
175 - 245 g |
Acre |
70 - 100 g |
REI2 |
12 h - 9 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply to 'Stanley' type plums. Use in rotation with fungicides from other groups from pink to petal fall. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning.
Isofetamid (Kenja) 31758
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
913 ml |
Acre |
369 ml |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Suppression only. Apply with a silicone surfactant. Do not apply more than 2 consecutive Group 7 applications. Maximum of 3 applications per year.
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107
Grp1 |
7+11 |
Ha |
300-400 mL |
Acre |
121-162 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day |
Precautions and Notes
Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season.
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
0.25 - 0.375 L |
Acre |
0.1 - 0.15 L |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development.
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206
Grp1 |
7 + 3 |
Ha |
1 L |
Acre |
405 ml |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 days |
Precautions and Notes
Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days.
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951
Grp1 |
7 + 11 |
Ha |
0.3 - 0.4 L |
Acre |
0.12 - 0.16 L |
REI2 |
12 h - 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day (hand harvest) |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours.
propiconazole (Princeton) 33840
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
300 ml |
Acre |
121 ml |
REI2 |
4 h to 3 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
3 days |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management.
Notes: Brown rot infection begins at bloom. Protect blossoms if weather is wet. Rotate fungicides for resistance management.
1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.
Stage of Development: Petal Fall |
Recommended Product Choices | Grp1 |
Amount per |
REI2 |
PHI3 (days) |
Precautions and Notes |
Ha |
Acre... |
| | | | | | |
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 30331 | 7 | 1.0-1.75 L | 405-709 mL | 12 h | 0 | Do not apply more than 2 times per season. Use high rate for high disease pressure. |
boscalid (Cantus) 30141 | 7 | 370 g | 150 g | 12 h | 0 | Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications. |
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 27985 | 7 + 11 | 750g - 1 kg | 304 g - 405 g | dry - 10 days | 0 | Limit sprays of class 11 fungicides to 2 per season for resistance management. 10 days REI for thinning. |
fenbuconazole (Indar) 27294 | 3 | 140 g | 57 g | 12 h | 1 | Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Princeton, Nova, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups. |
Bacillus subtilis (Serenade Opti) 31666 | 44 | 1.1-1.7 kg | 445-688 g | 24 h* | 0 | Suppression only. |
captan (Captan Supra 33641, Maestro 33488) | M4 | 3.75 - 4.5 kg | 1.5 - 1.8 kg | 48 h | 2 | |
metconazole (Quash 30402) | 3 | 175 - 245 g | 71 - 99 g | 12 h - 9 days | 14 | Do not apply to 'Stanley' type plums. Use in rotation with fungicides from other groups from pink to petal fall. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning. |
Isofetamid (Kenja) 31758 | 7 | 913 ml | 369 ml | 12 hrs | 1 | Suppression only. Apply with a silicone surfactant. Do not apply more than 2 consecutive Group 7 applications. Maximum of 3 applications per year. |
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107 | 7+11 | 300-400 mL | 121-162 mL | 12 h | 1 day | Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season. |
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405 | 3 | 0.25 - 0.375 L | 0.1 - 0.15 L | 12 hours | 0 | Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development. |
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206 | 7 + 3 | 1 L | 405 ml | 12 hours | 0 days | Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days. |
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951 | 7 + 11 | 0.3 - 0.4 L | 0.12 - 0.16 L | 12 h - 12 days | 1 day (hand harvest) | Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours. |
propiconazole (Princeton) 33840 | 3 | 300 ml | 121 ml | 4 hr to 3 days | 3 days | Limit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management. |
Notes: Brown rot infection begins at bloom. Protect blossoms if weather is wet. Rotate fungicides for resistance management. |
Stage of Development: Petal Fall
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 30331
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
1.0-1.75 L |
Acre |
405-709 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply more than 2 times per season. Use high rate for high disease pressure.
boscalid (Cantus) 30141
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
370 g |
Acre |
150 g |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications.
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 27985
Grp1 |
7 + 11 |
Ha |
750g - 1 kg |
Acre |
304 g - 405 g |
REI2 |
dry – 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of class 11 fungicides to 2 per season for resistance management. 10 days REI for thinning.
fenbuconazole (Indar) 27294
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
140 g |
Acre |
57 g |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Princeton, Nova, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups.
Grp1 |
Ha |
500 mL |
Acre |
200 mL |
REI2 |
PHI2 (days) |
3 |
Precautions and Notes
Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Topas, Jade, Tilt, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups.
Bacillus subtilis (Serenade Opti) 31666
Grp1 |
44 |
Ha |
1.1-1.7 kg |
Acre |
445-688 g |
REI2 |
4 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Suppression only.
captan (Captan Supra 33641, Maestro 33488)
Grp1 |
M4 |
Ha |
3.75 - 4.5 kg |
Acre |
1.5 - 1.8 kg |
REI2 |
24 h - 29 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
2 |
Precautions and Notes
metconazole (Quash 30402)
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
175 - 245 g |
Acre |
71 - 99 g |
REI2 |
12 h - 9 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
14 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply to 'Stanley' type plums. Use in rotation with fungicides from other groups from pink to petal fall. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning.
Isofetamid (Kenja) 31758
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
913 ml |
Acre |
369 ml |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Suppression only. Apply with a silicone surfactant. Do not apply more than 2 consecutive Group 7 applications. Maximum of 3 applications per year.
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107
Grp1 |
7+11 |
Ha |
300-400 mL |
Acre |
121-162 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day |
Precautions and Notes
Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season.
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
0.25 - 0.375 L |
Acre |
0.1 - 0.15 L |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 14 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development.
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206
Grp1 |
7 + 3 |
Ha |
1 L |
Acre |
405 ml |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 days |
Precautions and Notes
Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days.
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951
Grp1 |
7 + 11 |
Ha |
0.3 - 0.4 L |
Acre |
0.12 - 0.16 L |
REI2 |
12 h - 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day (hand harvest) |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours.
propiconazole (Princeton) 33840
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
300 ml |
Acre |
121 ml |
REI2 |
4 h to 3 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
3 days |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of class 3 fungicides (Princeton, Indar, Quash) to 2 per season for resistance management.
Notes: Brown rot infection begins at bloom. Protect blossoms if weather is wet. Rotate fungicides for resistance management.
1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.
Stage of Development: Summer |
Recommended Product Choices | Grp1 |
Amount per |
REI2 |
PHI3 (days) |
Precautions and Notes |
Ha |
Acre... |
| | | | | | |
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 30331 | 7 | 1.0-1.75 L | 405-709 mL | 12 h | 0 | Do not apply more than 2 times per season. Use high rate for high disease pressure. |
boscalid (Cantus) 30141 | 7 | 370 g | 150 g | 12 h | 0 | Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications. |
fenbuconazole (Indar) 27294 | 3 | 140 g | 57 g | 12 h | 1 | Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Princeton, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups. |
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 27985 | 7 + 11 | 750g - 1 kg | 304 g - 405 g | dry - 10 days | 0 | Limit sprays of class 11 fungicides to 2/season for resistance management. |
captan (Captan Supra 33641, Maestro 33488) | M4 | 3.75 - 4.5 kg | 1.5 - 1.8 kg | 48 h | 2 | |
metconazole (Quash 30402) | 3 | 175 - 280 g | 71 - 113 g | 12 h - 9 days | 14 | For fruit brown rot apply 14-21 days before harvest. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning. |
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107 | 7+11 | 300-400 mL | 121-162 mL | 12 h | 1 day | Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season. |
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206 | 7 + 3 | 1 L | 405 ml | 12 hours | 0 days | Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days. |
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951 | 7 + 11 | 0.3 - 0.4 L | 0.12 - 0.16 L | 12 h - 12 days | 1 day (hand harvest) | Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours. |
Notes: Fruit becomes increasingly susceptible to brown rot as it ripens. Rotate fungicides for resistance management. Follow pre-harvest intervals. |
Stage of Development: Summer
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 30331
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
1.0-1.75 L |
Acre |
405-709 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply more than 2 times per season. Use high rate for high disease pressure.
boscalid (Cantus) 30141
Grp1 |
7 |
Ha |
370 g |
Acre |
150 g |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications.
fenbuconazole (Indar) 27294
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
140 g |
Acre |
57 g |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 |
Precautions and Notes
Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Princeton, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups.
Grp1 |
Ha |
500 mL |
Acre |
200 mL |
REI2 |
PHI2 (days) |
3 |
Precautions and Notes
Limit use of group 3 fungicides (Indar, Topas, Jade, Tilt, Quash) to 2 sprays/season. Rotate with fungicides from different groups.
Grp1 |
Ha |
740 g |
Acre |
300 g |
REI2 |
PHI2 (days) |
2 |
Precautions and Notes
Do not apply more than twice to fruit.
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 27985
Grp1 |
7 + 11 |
Ha |
750g - 1 kg |
Acre |
304 g - 405 g |
REI2 |
dry – 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
0 |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of class 11 fungicides to 2/season for resistance management.
captan (Captan Supra 33641, Maestro 33488)
Grp1 |
M4 |
Ha |
3.75 - 4.5 kg |
Acre |
1.5 - 1.8 kg |
REI2 |
24 h - 29 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
2 |
Precautions and Notes
metconazole (Quash 30402)
Grp1 |
3 |
Ha |
175 - 280 g |
Acre |
71 - 113 g |
REI2 |
12 h - 9 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
14 |
Precautions and Notes
For fruit brown rot apply 14-21 days before harvest. Maximum 1 application/season. REI of 9 days is for thinning.
fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation) 32107
Grp1 |
7+11 |
Ha |
300-400 mL |
Acre |
121-162 mL |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day |
Precautions and Notes
Use higher rate for high disease pressure. Rotate with fungicides from other groups. Limit use of group 11 fungicides to 2 applications per season.
pydiflumetofen + difenoconazole (Miravis Duo) 33206
Grp1 |
7 + 3 |
Ha |
1 L |
Acre |
405 ml |
REI2 |
12 h |
PHI2 (days) |
0 days |
Precautions and Notes
Max 2 applications per year, then switch to a non-Group 7 and 3 fungicide. Application interval: 7 - 14 days.
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951
Grp1 |
7 + 11 |
Ha |
0.3 - 0.4 L |
Acre |
0.12 - 0.16 L |
REI2 |
12 h - 12 days** |
PHI2 (days) |
1 day (hand harvest) |
Precautions and Notes
Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 1 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours.
Notes: Fruit becomes increasingly susceptible to brown rot as it ripens. Rotate fungicides for resistance management. Follow pre-harvest intervals.
1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.