Pesticides for Pear Psylla

Stage of Development: Silver Tip to Green Tip
Recommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
mineral oil (Guardsman) 23370NC90 L36.4 L12 hn/aApply when egg laying begins. Do not use prior to or during freezing temperatures or rain. One application per year
mineral oil (Superior 70) 14981NC60 L24 L12 h0Apply before egg laying. Do not use prior to or during freezing temperatures or rain.

Stage of Development: Silver Tip to Green Tip

Pear Psylla

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.


Stage of Development: Pink
Recommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
Insecticidal soapNC20-25 L8-10 L24 h*0Use a minimum of 1900-2475 L of spray mixture/ha (800-1000 L/acre) to ensure thorough and uniform coverage.

Stage of Development: Pink

Pear Psylla

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.


Stage of Development: Summer
Recommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
Insecticidal soapNC20-25 L8-10 L24 h*0Use a minimum of 1900-2475 L of spray mixture/ha (800-1000 L/acre) to ensure thorough and uniform coverage.
acetamiprid (Assail) 27128480-160 g32-64 g12 h-6 days7Do not apply more than twice per season. Spray interval - 12 days. REIs of 2 days for scouting and 6 days is for thinning.
abamectin (Agri-Mek SC) 316076170-340 mL69-138 mLdry28Must be applied with 0.25% oil. Maximum 2 applications @ 170 mL/ha rate; maximum one application @ 340 mL/ha rate. Spray interval: 21 days.
flupyradifurone (Sivanto Prime) 314524D750-1000 mL + 0.25% oil304-405 mL + 0.25% oil12 h14Suppression only. Addition of 0.25% oil may cause fruit injury to certain varieties of pears, particularly Anjou. Observe precautions on oil labels before using. Minimum interval between applications: 10 days. Maximum amount per season: 2000 mL/ha (810 mL/acre).
abamectin + cyantraniliprole (Minecto Pro) 330236 + 28496 - 1000 mL201 - 405 mL12 h28 Apply before a threshold of five spider mites per leaf is reached. Add 0.25 - 1% spray oil/ spray mixture. Also controls leafroller and mites. Do not exceed 1.0 L/ha per season.
fenazaquin (Magister SC) 3454421 + 391.75 - 2.63 L0.7 - 1.1 L12 h - 17 days10 daysToxic to bees. Avoid application during bloom. Maximum number of applications: 1
pyridaben (Nexter SC) 33433211000 - 1200 ml405 - 485 ml24 h25 daysDo not apply more than twice per year. Controls rust mite. Residual control: 7-10 days.
pyridaben (Nexter) 2513521600 - 720 g240 - 291 g24 h25Use the higher rate for spider mites. Will also control rust mites. Maximum 2 applications per season. Residual control: 7-10 days.

Stage of Development: Summer

Pear Psylla

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.


Stage of Development: Dormant
Recommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
mineral oil (Guardsman) 23370NC90 L36.4 L12 hn/aDo not apply just before or during freezing weather or rain. One application/season.
mineral oil (Superior 70) 14981NC60 L24 L12 hn/aDo not apply just before or during freezing weather or rain. One application/season.
mineral oil (Purespray Green) 27666NC20L/1000 L of water20L/1000 L of water12 h0Apply at dormant to green tip. Do not apply just prior to or during freezing temperatures or rain. Only one dormant application is allowed per season.

Stage of Development: Dormant

Pear Psylla

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.