Pesticides for Rust Mites and Pearleaf Blister Mite


Stage of Development: Dormant
Recommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
calcium polysulphide (Lime sulphur 30%) 16465M27.3L/100 L of water7.3L/100 L of water48 hn/aOrder lime-sulphur early.

Stage of Development: Dormant

Rust Mites and Pearleaf Blister Mite

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.


Stage of Development: Summer
Recommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
abamectin (Agri-Mek SC) 316076170-340 mL69-138 mL dry28Must be applied with 0.25% oil. Maximum 2 applications @ 170 mL/ha rate; maximum one application @ 340 mL/ha rate. Spray interval: 21 days.
pyridaben (Nexter) 2513521300 g121 g24 h25Maximum 2 applications/season. Residual control: 7-10 days.
spirodiclofen (Envidor) 2805123750 mL300 mL12 h7Only one application per season. Spray interval: minimum 7 days.
abamectin + cyantraniliprole (Minecto Pro) 330236 + 28496 - 1000 mL201 - 405 mL12 h28 Apply before a threshold of five spider mites per leaf is reached. Add 0.25 - 1% spray oil/ spray mixture. Also controls leafroller and mites. Do not exceed 1.0 L/ha per season.
sulphur (Cosavet DF Edge 31869, Kumulus 18836, Microthiol 29487M26.0 kg2.4 kg24 h1
fenazaquin (Magister SC) 3454421 + 391.75 L0.7 L12 h - 17 days10 daysToxic to bees. Avoid application during bloom. Maximum number of applications: 1
pyridaben (Nexter SC) 3343321500 ml202 ml24 h25 daysDo not apply more than twice per year. Residual control: 7-10 days.

Stage of Development: Summer

Rust Mites and Pearleaf Blister Mite

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.



Stage of Development: Dormant
Recommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
calcium polysulphide (Lime sulphur 30%) 16465M23.67 L/100 L plus 1.25 L dormant oil/100 L3.67 L/100 L plus 1.25 L dormant oil/100 L12hn/a

Stage of Development: Dormant

Rust Mites and Pearleaf Blister Mite

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.



Stage of Development: Petal fall or Calyx
Recommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
spirodiclofen (Envidor) 2805123750 mL300 mL12 h7Apply only once per season. Spray interval: minimum 7 days.
pyridaben (Nexter) 2513521300 g120 g24 h25Do not apply more than twice per season. Residual control: 7-10 days.
fenazaquin (Magister SC) 3454421 + 391.75 L0.7 L12 h - 17 days10 daysToxic to bees. Avoid application during bloom. Maximum number of applications: 1
pyridaben (Nexter SC) 3343321500 ml202 ml24 h25 daysDo not apply more than twice per year. Residual control: 7-10 days.

Stage of Development: Petal fall or Calyx

Rust Mites and Pearleaf Blister Mite

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.


Stage of Development: Summer
Recommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
abamectin (Agri-Mek SC) 316076170 mL69 mLdry28Apply with 0.25% superior oil. Do not apply more than once/season. Will also control leaf mites and leafminer larvae. Residual control: 21 days.
pyridaben (Nexter) 2513521300 g120 - 240 g24 h25Maximum 2 applications per season. Residual control: 7-10 days.
spirodiclofen (Envidor) 2805123750 mL300 mL12 h7Apply only once per season. Spray interval: minimum 7 days.
fenazaquin (Magister SC) 3454421 + 391.75 L0.7 L12 h - 17 days10 daysToxic to bees. Avoid application during bloom. Maximum number of applications: 1
pyridaben (Nexter SC) 3343321500 ml202 ml24 h25 daysDo not apply more than twice per year. Residual control: 7-10 days.

Stage of Development: Summer

Rust Mites and Pearleaf Blister Mite

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.



Stage of Development: Summer
Recommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
Ha Acre...
spirodiclofen (Envidor) 2805123750 mL300 mL12 h7Will control other mites present. Spray interval: minimum 7 days.

Stage of Development: Summer

Rust Mites and Pearleaf Blister Mite

1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.