Stage of Development: 15 mm Green to Tight Cluster | ||||||
Recommended Product Choices | Grp1 | Amount per | REI2 | PHI3 (days) | Precautions and Notes | |
Ha | Acre... | |||||
mancozeb (Manzate 28217, Penncozeb 30241 and 25397) | M3 | 6.0kg | 2.4 kg | 12 h - 35 d | 77 | Do not apply more than 4 applications per year. Apply at a minimum of the 7-day interval. |
captan (Captan Supra 33641, Maestro 33488) | M4 | 3 kg | 1.2 kg | 2 - 24 d | 7 | Do not apply Captan in combination with, immediately before, or closely following oil sprays. Do not use it during bloom. Early-season sprays may cause necrotic spotting to foliage of sensitive varieties. Apply at a minimum of a 7-day interval. |
fluazinam (Allegro) 27517 | 29 | 0.50-1.0 L | 202-404 mL | 24 h-3 days | 28 | Use highest rates and shortest intervals for high disease pressure. Will also suppress European red mite, apple rust mite and two spotted spider mites. 3 days REI for thinning. |
myclobutanil (Nova 40WP) 22399 | 3 | 340 g | 140 g | 12 h-12 days | 14 | Tank mix with the full rate of Dithane, Manzate, Polyram, Captan, or Maestro. Limit sprays of group 3 fungicides (Nova, Inspire, Fullback) to 2/season for resistance management. 12 days REI for thinning. |
fluopyram pyrimethanil (Luna Tranquility) 30510 | 7 + 9 | 800 mL | 323 mL | 12 h | 14 | Do not apply more than 2 times per season. |
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 30331 | 7 | 1.0-1.5 L | 405-607 mL | 12 h | 28 | Do not apply more than 3 times per season, or more than twice sequentially. Use high rate for high disease pressure. |
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 27985 | 7 + 11 | 1.0 - 1.2 kg | 405 g - 485 g | dry – 12 days | 5 | Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications. Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides (Flint, Sovran, Pristine) to 2 per season. 12 days REI for thinning. |
kresoxim-methyl (Sovran) 26257 | 11 | 360 g | 150 g | 48 h | 30 | Caution: drift may injure cherries. Limit sprays of group 11 fungicides (Flint, Sovran, Pristine) to 2 per season. |
flutriafol (Fullback) 31679 | 3 | 950 mL | 385 mL | 12 h | 14 | Tank mix with the full rate of a protectant (e.g. Dithane. Manzate, Polyram, Captan, Maestro). Limit sprays of group 3 fungicides (Nova, Inspire, Fullback) to 2 times/season for resistance management. |
difenoconazole + cyprodinil (Inspire Super) 30827 | 3 + 9 | 560 - 836 mL | 227 - 338 mL | 12 h | 14 | Limit sprays of Group 3 fungicides (Nova, Inspire, Fullback) to 2 times/season. Tank mix with a protectant fungicide (Dithane, Manzate, Polyram, captan) for resistance management. |
pyrimethanil (Scala) 28011 | 9 | 0.75 - 1.0 L | 304 - 405 mL | 12 h-24 h | 14 | Do not use for apple scab after bloom. 24 hour REI for thinning. |
trifloxystrobin (Flint) 30619 | 11 | 140 - 175g | 57 - 71 g | 12 h – 4 days | 14 | Avoid more than 2 consecutive sprays. Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides (Flint, Sovran, Pristine) to 2/season. 4 days REI for thinning. |
fluxapyroxad (Sercadis) 31697 | 7 | 167-333 mL | 68-135 mL | 12 h | 0 | The use of a non-ionic surfactant (0.125%) is recommended. Begin treatment when conditions favour disease development. Apply a second spray 7-14 days up to blossom if conditions for disease development persist. Maximum amount per season: 1.33 L/ha (538 mL/acre). Maximum 4 applications per season. |
benzovindiflupyr (Aprovia) 31981 | 7 | 300-500 mL | 121-202 mL | 12 h | 30 | For improved fruit scab control, tank mix with a protectant fungicide (see label). Rotate with other non-Group 7 products. Do not apply in two consecutive sprays nor more than 2 L/ha (1.0 L/acre) per season. |
copper octanoate (Cueva Commercial) 31825 | M1 | Prepare 0.5-2% solution (5-20 L/1000 L water) | 4 h | 1 | Apply 470-940 L of mixture/ha (190-380 L/acre). Do not exceed 1% rate for varieties susceptible to russeting. Repeat every 7-10 days as long as weather conditions favour disease development. | |
benzovindiflupyr + difenoconazole (Aprovia Top) 31526 | 3 + 7 | 386 - 643 mL | 156 - 260 mL | 30 | Tank mix with protectant fungicide for improved fruit scab control. Use high rate for mildew. Rotate with other fungicide groups for resistance management. Do not apply more than 2.57 L/ha/season. | |
Isofetamid (Kenja) 31758 | 7 | 913 ml | 369 ml | 12 hours | 20 | Do not apply more than 2 consecutive Group 7 applications. Application interval: 10 to 14 days. |
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405 | 3 | 0.25 - 0.375 L | 0.1 - 0.15 L | 12 hours | 0 | Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 10 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development. |
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951 | 7 + 11 | 0.3 - 0.4 L | 0.12 - 0.16 L | 12 h - 12 days | 5 days (hand harvest) | Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 5 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours. |
copper oxychloride (Copper Spray 19146) | M1 | 300 - 500 g/ha | 121 - 202 g/ha | 48 h | 2 days | Maximum number of applications: 6. Reapply if needed as indicated by monitoring. |
pyraziflumid (Parade) 34526 | 7 | 227-340 ml | 92-138 ml | 12 h | 7 days | Do not apply more than 2 consecutive applications of Parade or other group 7 fungicides before switching to a non-group 7 fungicide. |
garlic powder (Buran) 30601 | NC | 9 L/500 L of water | 9 L/500 L of water | 0 | The maximum rate of product in a single application is 18 L/ha. This product does not have protectant activity. It should be used as a post-infection treatment, applied after rainfall or when conditions are conducive to disease development. Application interval: before 350 degree hours (base 0 degrees C) after the beginning of the infection. | |
extract of Swinglea glutinosa (EcoSwing) 35206 | BM 01 | 1.75 - 2.35 L | 0.71 - 0.95 L | 4 h | 0 | Repeat application if measurable rain occurs within 2 to 3 hours of spraying. |
hydrogen peroxide + peroxyacetic acid (Oxidate 2.0) 32907 | NC | 1 L/100 L of water (1% solution) | 1 L/1000 L of water (1% solution) | 4 h | 0 | Partial suppression. Start foliar/branch/stem applications before the disease occurs or at the first sign of disease and/or when weather conditions are favourable for disease development. Apply diluted spray to the point of run-off to achieve full and even coverage. |
impyrfluxam (Excalia Fungicide) | 7 | 146 - 219 ml/ha | 59 - 88.6 ml/ac | 12 h | Petal fall | Green tip to petal fall only. |
mancozeb (Dithane Rainshield) 20553 | M3 | 2-6 kg | 0.81 - 2.4 kg | 12 h - 35 d | 77 | Do not apply more than 24 kg/ha/year (18 kg a.i./ha//year of Dithane Rainshield Fungicide (e.g., 4 applications per year at 6.0/kg/ha or 8 applications at 3.0 kg/ha OR 12 applications at 2.0 kg/ha). |
Notes: Eradicant sprays are best used in a protective program. However they can be used soon after an infection period and still provide control. | ||||||
Notes: Foliage is susceptible to apple scab as early as green tip. Apply protective fungicides if wet weather is forecast. See apple scab description for more information. |
1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.
Stage of Development: Silver Tip to Green Tip | ||||||
Recommended Product Choices | Grp1 | Amount per | REI2 | PHI3 (days) | Precautions and Notes | |
Ha | Acre... | |||||
copper hydroxide (Kocide 2000-O) 33441 | M | 0.84-1.96 kg | 0.34-0.79 kg | 48 h | 2 days | Apply as a full cover spray for early season disease suppression. Use the higher rate when conditions favour disease progression. Moderate to severe crop injury may occur from late application; discontinue use when green-tip reaches 1/2 inch. Requires pesticide applicator certificate. |
1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.
Stage of Development: Pink | ||||||
Recommended Product Choices | Grp1 | Amount per | REI2 | PHI3 (days) | Precautions and Notes | |
Ha | Acre... | |||||
pyrimethanil (Scala) 28011 | 9 | 0.75-1.0 L | 304-405 mL | 12 h-24 h | 14 | Do not use after bloom for for apple scab. 24 hour REI for thinning. |
mancozeb (Manzate 28217, Penncozeb 30241 and 25397) | M3 | 6.0 kg | 2.4 kg | 12 h - 35 d | 77 | Do not apply more than 4 applications per year. Apply at a minimum of the 7-day interval. |
myclobutanil (Nova 40WP) 22399 | 3 | 340 g | 140 g | 12 h-12 days | 14 | Tank mix with the full rate of Dithane, Manzate, Polyram, Captan or Maestro. Limit sprays of group 3 fungicides (Nova, Inspire) to 2/season for resistance management. 12 days REI for thinning. |
fluopyram pyrimethanil (Luna Tranquility) 30510 | 7 + 9 | 800 mL | 323 mL | 12 h | 14 | Do not apply more than 2 times per season. |
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 30331 | 7 | 1.0-1.5 L | 405-607 mL | 12 h | 28 | Do not apply more than 3 times per season, or more than twice sequentially. Use high rate for high disease pressure. |
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 27985 | 7 + 11 | 1.0 - 1.2 kg | 405 g - 485 g | dry to 12 days | 5 | Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications. Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides (Flint, Sovran, Pristine) to 2/season. 12 days REI for thinning. |
fluazinam (Allegro) 27517 | 29 | 0.50 - 1.0 L | 202 - 404 mL | 24 h-3 days | 28 | Use highest rates and lowest intervals for high disease pressure. Will also suppress European red mite, two-spotted spider mite, and apple rust mite. 3 days REI for thinning. |
flutriafol (Fullback) 31679 | 3 | 950 mL | 385 mL | 12 h | 14 | Tank mix with full rate of a protectant (e.g. Dithane, Manzate, Polyram, Captan, Maestro). Limit sprays of group 3 fungicides (Nova, Inspire, Fullback) to 2 sprays/season for resistance management. |
captan (Captan Supra 33641, Maestro 33488) | M4 | 3 kg | 1.2 kg | 2 - 24 days | 7 | Do not apply Captan in combination with, immediately before, or closely following oil sprays. Do not use it during bloom. Early-season sprays may cause necrotic spotting to foliage of sensitive varieties. Apply at a minimum of a 7-day interval. |
difenoconazole + cyprodinil (Inspire Super) 30827 | 3 + 9 | 560 - 836 mL | 227 - 338 mL | 12 h | 14 | Limit sprays of group 3 fungicides (Nova, Inspire, Fullback) to 2/season. Tank mix with a protectant fungicide (e.g. Dithane, Manzate, Polyram, Captan, maestro) for resistance management. |
trifloxystrobin (Flint) 30619 | 11 | 140 - 175 g | 57 - 71 g | 12 h – 4 days | 14 | Avoid more than 2 consecutive sprays. Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides (Flint, Sovran, Pristine) to 2/season. |
kresoxim-methyl (Sovran) 26257 | 11 | 360 g | 150 g | 48 h | 30 | CAUTION: Drift may injure cherries. Limit sprays of group 11 fungicides (Flint, Sovran, Pristine) to 2/season. |
fluxapyroxad (Sercadis) 31697 | 7 | 167-333 mL | 68-135 mL | 12 h | 0 | The use of a non-ionic surfactant (0.125%) is recommended. Begin treatment when conditions favour disease development. Apply a second spray 7-14 days up to blossom if conditions for disease development persist. Maximum amount per season: 1.33 L/ha (538 mL/acre). Maximum 4 applications per season. |
benzovindiflupyr (Aprovia) 31981 | 7 | 300-500 mL | 121-202 mL | 12 h | 30 | For improved fruit scab control, tank mix with a protectant fungicide (see label). Rotate with other non-Group 7 products. Do not apply in two consecutive sprays nor more than 2 L/ha (1.0 L/acre) per season. |
benzovindiflupyr + difenoconazole (Aprovia Top) 31526 | 3 + 7 | 386 - 643 mL | 156 - 260 mL | 12 h | 30 | Tank mix with protectant fungicide for improved fruit scab control. Use high rate for mildew. Rotate with other fungicide groups for resistance management. Do not apply more than 2.57 L/ha/season. |
copper octanoate (Cueva Commercial) 31825 | M1 | Prepare 0.5-2% solution (5-20 L/1000 L water) | 4 h | 1 | Apply 470-940 L of mixture/ha (190-380 L/acre). Do not exceed 1% rate for varieties susceptible to russeting. Repeat every 7-10 days as long as weather conditions favour disease development. | |
Isofetamid (Kenja) 31758 | 7 | 913 ml | 369 ml | 12 hours | 20 | Do not apply more than 2 consecutive Group 7 applications. Application interval: 10 to 14 days. |
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405 | 3 | 0.25 - 0.375 L | 0.1 - 0.15 L | 12 hours | 0 | Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 10 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development. |
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951 | 7 + 11 | 0.3 - 0.4 L | 0.12 - 0.16 L | 12 h - 12 days | 5 days (hand harvest) | Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 5 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours. |
copper oxychloride (Copper Spray 19146) | M1 | 300 - 500 g/ha | 121 - 202 g/ha | 48 h | 2 days | Maximum number of applications: 6. Reapply if needed as indicated by monitoring. |
garlic powder (Buran) 30601 | NC | 9 L/500 L of water | 9 L/500 L of water | 0 | The maximum rate of product in a single application is 18 L/ha. This product does not have protectant activity. It should be used as a post-infection treatment, applied after rainfall or when conditions are conducive to disease development. Application interval: before 350 degree hours (base 0 degrees C) after the beginning of the infection. | |
extract of Swinglea glutinosa (EcoSwing) 35206 | BM 01 | 1.75 - 2.35 L | 0.71 - 0.95 L | 4 h | 0 | Repeat application if measurable rain occurs within 2 to 3 hours of spraying. |
hydrogen peroxide + peroxyacetic acid (Oxidate 2.0) 32907 | NC | 1 L/100 L of water (1% solution) | 1 L/1000 L of water (1% solution) | 4 h | 0 | Partial suppression. Start foliar/branch/stem applications before the disease occurs or at the first sign of disease and/or when weather conditions are favourable for disease development. Apply diluted spray to the point of run-off to achieve full and even coverage. |
impyrfluxam (Excalia Fungicide) | 7 | 146 - 219 ml/ha | 59 - 88.6 ml/ac | 12 h | Petal fall | Green tip to petal fall only. |
mancozeb (Dithane Rainshield) 20553 | M3 | 2-6 kg | 0.81 - 2.4 kg | 12 h - 35 d | 77 | Do not apply more than 24 kg/ha/year (18 kg a.i./ha//year of Dithane Rainshield Fungicide (e.g., 4 applications per year at 6.0/kg/ha or 8 applications at 3.0 kg/ha OR 12 applications at 2.0 kg/ha). |
Notes: Pink through petal fall is a high risk period for scab infection. Prevent infection by keeping trees covered with protectant fungicides during this period. | ||||||
Notes: Eradicant sprays are best used in a preventative program. However they can be used soon after an infection period and still provide control. See apple scab in Disease Section for more information. |
1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.
Stage of Development: Petal fall or Calyx | ||||||
Recommended Product Choices | Grp1 | Amount per | REI2 | PHI3 (days) | Precautions and Notes | |
Ha | Acre... | |||||
mancozeb (Manzate 28217, Penncozeb 30241 and 25397) | M3 | 6.0 kg | 2.4 kg | 12 h - 35 d | 77 | Do not apply more than 4 applications per year. Apply at a minimum of the 7-day interval. |
fluopyram pyrimethanil (Luna Tranquility) 30510 | 7 + 9 | 800 mL | 323 mL | 12 h | 14 | Do not apply more than 2 times per season. |
penthiopyrad (Fontelis) 30331 | 7 | 1.0-1.5 L | 405-607 mL | 12 h | 28 | Do not apply more than 3 times per season, or more than twice sequentially. Use high rate for high disease pressure. |
boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pristine WG) 27985 | 7 + 11 | 1.0 - 1.2 kg | 405 g - 485 g | dry to 12 days | 5 | Avoid more than 2 consecutive applications. Limit sprays of group 11 fungicides (Flint, Sovran, Pristine) to 2 per season. 12 days REI for thinning. |
difenoconazole + cyprodinil (Inspire Super) 30827 | 3 + 9 | 560 - 836 mL | 227 - 338 mL | 12 h | 14 | Limit sprays of group 3 fungicides (Nova, Inspire, Fullback) to 2 per season. Tank mix with a protectant fungicide (Dithane, Manzate, Polyram, Captan, Maestro)) for resistance management. |
fluazinam (Allegro) 27517 | 29 | 0.50 - 1.0 L | 202 - 404 mL | 25 h-3 days | 28 | Use highest rate and shortest interval for high disease pressure. Will also suppress mites. 3 days REI for thinning. |
captan (Captan Supra 33641, Maestro 33488) | M4 | 3 kg | 1.2 kg | 2 - 24 days | 7 | Do not apply Captan in combination with, immediately before, or closely following oil sprays. Do not use it during bloom. Early-season sprays may cause necrotic spotting to foliage of sensitive varieties. Apply at a minimum of a 7-day interval. |
myclobutanil (Nova 40WP) 22399 | 3 | 340 g | 140 g | 12 h - 12 days | 14 | Do not use as an eradicant treatment after bloom. Tank mix with the full rate of a protectant such as Dithane, Manzate, Polyram, Captan or Maestro. Note that Dithane, Manzate and Polyram have a 45-day PHI. Limit sprays of group 3 fungicides (Nova, Inspire, Fullback) to 2/season for resistance management. 12 days REI for thinning. |
flutriafol (Fullback) 31679 | 3 | 950 mL | 385 mL | 12 h | 14 | Tank mix with a full rate of a protectant such as Dithane, Manzate, Polyram, Captan or Maestro. Note that Dithane, Manzate and Polyram have a 45-day PHI. Limit sprays of group 3 fungicides (Nova, Inspire, Fullback) to 2/season for resistance management. |
trifloxystrobin (Flint) 30619 | 11 | 140 - 175 g | 57 - 71 g | 12 h – 4 days | 14 | Limit sprays of group 11 fungicides (Flint, Sovran, Pristine) to 2/season. 4 days REI for thinning. |
kresoxim-methyl (Sovran) 26257 | 11 | 360 g | 150 g | 48 h | 30 | CAUTION: Sovran drift may injure cherries. Limit sprays of group 11 fungicides (Flint, Sovran, Pristine) to 2/season. |
benzovindiflupyr (Aprovia) 31981 | 7 | 300-500 mL | 121-202 mL | 12 h | 30 | For improved fruit scab control, tank mix with a protectant fungicide (see label). Rotate with other non-Group 7 products. Do not apply in two consecutive sprays nor more than 2 L/ha (1.0 L/acre) per season. |
benzovindiflupyr + difenoconazole (Aprovia Top) 31526 | 3 + 7 | 386 - 643 mL | 156 - 260 mL | 12 h | 30 | Tank mix with protectant fungicide for improved fruit scab control. Use high rate for mildew. Rotate with other fungicide groups for resistance management. Do not apply more than 2.57 L/ha/season. |
copper octanoate (Cueva Commercial) 31825 | M1 | Prepare 0.5-2% solution (5-20 L/1000 L water) | 4 h | 1 | Apply 470-940 L of mixture/ha (190-380 L/acre). Do not exceed 1% rate for varieties susceptible to russeting. Repeat every 7-10 days as long as weather conditions favour disease development. | |
Isofetamid (Kenja) 31758 | 7 | 913 ml | 369 ml | 12 hours | 20 | Do not apply more than 2 consecutive Group 7 applications. Application interval: 10 to 14 days. |
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 33405 | 3 | 0.25 - 0.375 L | 0.1 - 0.15 L | 12 hours | 0 | Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a non-group 3 fungicide registered for the same use. Begin applications prior to disease development. Apply an additional applic. at an interval of 7 - 10 days if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development. |
pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad (Merivon) 33951 | 7 + 11 | 0.3 - 0.4 L | 0.12 - 0.16 L | 12 h - 12 days | 5 days (hand harvest) | Limit sprays of Group 11 fungicides to 2 sprays/season. REI's: hand thinning - 12 days, hand harvesting - 5 days, mechanical harvesting and all other activities - 12 hours. |
copper oxychloride (Copper Spray 19146) | M1 | 300 - 500 g/ha | 121 - 202 g/ha | 48 h | 2 days | Maximum number of applications: 6. Reapply if needed as indicated by monitoring. |
garlic powder (Buran) 30601 | NC | 9 L/500 L of water | 9 L/500 L of water | 0 | The maximum rate of product in a single application is 18 L/ha. This product does not have protectant activity. It should be used as a post-infection treatment, applied after rainfall or when conditions are conducive to disease development. Application interval: before 350 degree hours (base 0 degrees C) after the beginning of the infection. | |
extract of Swinglea glutinosa (EcoSwing) 35206 | BM 01 | 1.75 - 2.35 L | 0.71 - 0.95 L | 4 h | 0 | Repeat application if measurable rain occurs within 2 to 3 hours of spraying. |
hydrogen peroxide + peroxyacetic acid (Oxidate 2.0) 32907 | NC | 1 L/100 L of water (1% solution) | 1 L/1000 L of water (1% solution) | 4 h | 0 | Partial suppression. Start foliar/branch/stem applications before the disease occurs or at the first sign of disease and/or when weather conditions are favourable for disease development. Apply diluted spray to the point of run-off to achieve full and even coverage. |
impyrfluxam (Excalia Fungicide) | 7 | 146 - 219 ml/ha | 59 - 88.6 ml/ac | 12 h | Petal fall | Green tip to petal fall only. |
mancozeb (Dithane Rainshield) 20553 | M3 | 2-6 kg | 0.81 - 2.4 kg | 12 h - 35 d | 77 | Do not apply more than 24 kg/ha/year (18 kg a.i./ha//year of Dithane Rainshield Fungicide (e.g., 4 applications per year at 6.0/kg/ha or 8 applications at 3.0 kg/ha OR 12 applications at 2.0 kg/ha). |
Notes: Pink through petal fall is a high risk period for apple scab infection. Prevent infection by keeping trees covered with protectant fungicides during this period. | ||||||
Notes: Eradicant sprays are best used in a protective program. However they can be used soon after an infection period and still provide control. |
1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.
Stage of Development: Summer | ||||||
Recommended Product Choices | Grp1 | Amount per | REI2 | PHI3 (days) | Precautions and Notes | |
Ha | Acre... | |||||
Notes: If no scab is present on apple leaves or fruit by the end of June, scab sprays are not needed for the remainder of the season. If scab symptoms are present, continue protectant fungicide coverage until harvest, with particular consideration to rainy weather. See Petal fall section for available fungicides. Check pre-harvest intervals before any late-season sprays. |
1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.