Cultural Information- Pollinizer branches should be grafted into Early Italian trees or pollinizers planted to improve cropping. Good pollinizers are Peach Plum, Bradshaw Greengage or Damson.
Planting Trend - Stable
Cultural Information - Late strains of Italian prunes should be removed if they mature after September 15. Early maturity and good size are important. To achieve this, plant in warm locations, prune spurs and thin fruit.
Planting Trend – Stable
Both are attractive plums with good fruit size. They should be planted together for pollination at a ratio of four Santa Rosa to one Shiro. These Japanese plums require hand thinning and more than one picking. Shiro ripens 7 -10 days later and is firmer than Gold plum.
Other varieties that have been suggested for planting in the past include Black Amber, June Blood, Earliblue Fiebing, Ember, Ozark Gold, Ozark Premier, Friar and Starking Delicious.
Planting Trend - Most are small plantings for local and fruits and sales.